Why sea sponges, V-braces, pessaries, etc??


I have been reading as much as I can of the posts on the web site, so I won't ask questions that have already been asked and answered. However, I probably will anyway.
I see many people use sea sponges, V-braces, and pessaries. Do these actually help in stabilizing a cystocele or are they just used because they make it all feel better? How necessary are they? I want to do the best thing.

From my immediate experience, I have just got a pessary and wish I had gotten it years ago. I am very much more comfortable with it. Now, I cannot say whether it will help delay more damage, and it probably won't, but possibly it could in some small way. I think straining at stool is a major cause of further weakening the tissues, and for me, the pessary seems to make it a little easier to defacate.

The pessary makes it easier for me to empty my bladder. Keeping the bladder empty prevents infections. Also, the health of the vaginal tissues is better if they are kept inside and moist. If you have tissues pushing outside the vagina they are more susceptible to irritation, drying and consequently, possible infection and damage.

I don't know much about sea sponges, but from what I've read I think their purpose is to soak menstrual blood, not to keep the organs up in place. (EDIT: I just read other threads and apparently some do use sea sponges to hold stuff in place.)

The V-brace and outside supports I have not tried either, but probably just provide comfort rather than any health benefit.
