Coughing and cystocele


Hi all, thanks for the advice. I tried both ways and the coughing still seemed to do some damage on the prolapses. The uterine prolapse feels worse. But i think my cystocele is more prominent although it is not out of my body. I just feel alot of pulling and muscle strain in the area. Does anyone knows if it is an indication that the bladder has dropped further and would it go back up a bit with pelvic exercises and some rest?


I've had a cold and some coughing recently too and found some really usefull things that help.

First off a good set of respiratory herbs like the IVY THYME complex that can be bought in health food complex by alfred vogel.

Also for a dry non-productive cough (especially a smokers cough) pear's and pear juice are fantastic. A major respiratory lubricant.

Physically, i start a sorta kegel, tighening and holding when i feel a cough or sneeze coming on.

I'm also adding more water bowls round the house to add moisture to the cry forced air in our condo.

I hope that when your full strength returns things improve for you.

It is definately frightening when any of our daily or seasonal normal events (like a common cold, or gardening) threaten to or do actually worsen our condition..

Best wishes

Thank u for ur advice and support. You really said it! I am completely frightened that a simple cold can feel so damaging to the prolapses. I don't really know how all these women are managing. I am in my thirties and really don't want surgery now or later but i am scared these little events are going to make my cystocele pop out or UP come out. I just wonder if i am going to make till 50 yrs old with some sort of quality of life!

Btw, is it a normal progression for women with prolapses to feel wider down there? I know my prolapses came on over a month ago. But just recently, I feel my vaginal area more stretched inside and out. I am afraid of the "gaping hole" that some women complain about.

It seems I don't have any perineal body, i.e. there is nothing between my anus and the vaginal opening, so the gap is widening.
After my fist child I had had good results with physiotherapy (kegels, electric stimulation), I know Christine doen't like this stuff, and I basically think it worked because I was younger,29, but it worked, and I felt tighter during intercourse, too.
I feel worse around ovulation time, my organs are visible some days, but since I found this site I have been feeling better, because I know that I am no the only one with these problems, and I started to be bothered by the prolapses after my second child, when I was 32, now I am 37 and so glad I had the courage to have my third baby 9 months ago. Also, I have found here great help for my urine retention problems that the doctors I cosulted refused to address (worse, the gyno wanted to give me drugs to "relax" because he thought it was a psychological issu, the uro-gyn, without ebe examining me told me to sel-cath when I was only three month pregnant with my third child.

Best luck

Hi Ornella,

Thanks for sharing ur experience with me. I am not feeling good physically and kinda depressed again. I felt things were stabilizing this past wk and now it seems to have gotten worse with the cold. I have been intimate with my husband once since this happened and already i feel like things are more loose. I feel like the angle of the vagina is more near the anal area? I guess it is the whole perineal descent and weakening of the vaginal walls. It is hard to describe but it seems like u know how i feel. It is still fresh in my memory when sex felt "normal" about 2 months b4 the onset of these prolapses. Now nothing feels the same and is seemingly worsened by life's little daily activities. When I am standing i just feel alot of pulling and pressure from the cystocele. I just feel like it is at the edge and a bad cough may push it out. Sorry for the not being very uplifting. I just wish my body can keep up with me right now. T