Tailbone pain and retroverted uterus


Hello Ladies,
I bought the book and the videos,but I'm having so much tailbone pain,it is difficult to do alot right now.I started the anti inflammatory diet a week ago.I'll be the first to admit I've not been disciplined in that area,but I'm very motivated right now:)
I am 57 years old,post menopausal,have had prolapse since I was 42 and have used a pessary.I don't want to have a hysterectomy.Last Sept. I herniated L5/S1 and it was very painful.In April,had some sessions with a decompression machine that helped but in Junehad the onset of tailbone pain.In July,I had some acupuncture that helped,but just sitting in a bad position for a few hours started the whole flare up again.My uterus is retroverted,and I have feeling this feeling of rectal pressure.It's really embarrassing.I have been doing the posture for a week,and have taken some short walks as well.Any suggestions would be very appreciated and is there a possibility of changing the position of your uterus with exercise?
Thanks very much,Nanajoy

I read through many threads,getting familiar and looking for info.Takecare,in particular, I also have that buzzing sensation.Her story sounds a lot like mine,but I did't have any birth trauma.I did have to sit a lot for several months as I was in so much pain,but I'm up and around more now.The camaraderie and support in your community is such a gem,andI feel lucky to have found this site.

What a beautiful name ..
I had a year or so of terrible tailbone pain ... I now have intermittent pain but the idea is to try to keep off it - which WW posture does enable you to do.
The buzzing sensation comes and goes - it really is weird ... but the buzzing seems to pre-empt a painful relapse and lately I have not been walking as much as I should and hence the buzzing is returning - also occasionally tailbone pain and I think, related hip and leg pain.
In my intuitive mind I believe the rectocele and POP issues put extra pressure on the discs and nerve pathways.
The more you stay in posture, walk and try and do activities in WW related posture - the closer you will get to alleviating the pain and buzzing. The discs will always be an issue but if we can get ourselves up and off them is a side benefit to WW posture and POP assistance.
It is a complete postural change and I get annoyed with myself when I'm tired and fall back onto my tailbone ... I can feel the protest within me but sometimes I am just exhausted.
The most wonderful thing is that it has improved to the point of disappearing - then relapsed because of tiredness and poor habit and I just know now what I need to do.
I have also learnt not to think that while I have these symptoms it is a consistent decline. It isn't - stick with us - you will see.

With each month you will feel a change ...

Thanks so much for your most inspiring reply.