Resting and Posture


Hi everyone!

I am 4 weeks postpartum and recently realized I have prolapse (probably all 3 versions, but haven't been to the doctor yet). I'm excited to receive my book/DVD in the mail, but in the meantime, was wondering if anyone had any hints for balancing the posture practice with resting. What lying-down positions are helpful, and is lying on my back not good? I'm feeling some stress because I'm nursing constantly and the position my baby needs (due to strong flow and some reflux) is me reclined in a recliner with her on my chest/stomach. I'm sure I'm not doing a great job with the posture, and I'm spending so much time in this position. Any hints/ideas?

I have a lot of tailbone pain right now, too, so finding a restful position for sleeping and nursing is challenging. Now I'm struggling with coming to grips with this prolapse thing and feeling super down. Ugh! This is my first baby, and the delivery was actually quite nice. I think my prolapse stuff was coming anyway, due to how I've lived up until now, but I'm really not happy to be trying to recover from childbirth, learn all this new stuff, heal in the deeper way around the prolapse, and learn how to be a mom! I'm exhausted, so a rest position I can feel good about would be really great to know!

Thanks in advance!

Hi violin1,
Welcome to the WW community - and congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby.
I remember that stage well - and oh it can feel so tiring and hard work at times. I completely agree, you need to feel happy and safe in the knowledge that you can rest easily and comfortably - and as often as you can!

Firstly, when you're lying down you can basically relax and don't have to think about WW posture in the same way that it's important to do when you're upright (standing, sitting, kneeling etc). The intra-abdominal pressures are different when we're lying down and its ok. So just enjoy lieing down in any position and have a great rest! Some women say they find benefit in raising the bottom of their bed up a little, so that they are lieing down slightly inverted so that gravity draws their pelvic organs up in their bodies a bit. I've tried this and actually quite like it too - but haven't done it for a while since my symptoms have improved.

If it's comfortable for you to breast feed lying down, that would be a good position. I found this position very restful when I breast- fed - some years back now!

The semi-reclining position, if that means sitting and leaning back, is not a great posture for prolapse. That causes the lower back curve to flatten and your tail bone may tuck under, neither of which is adviseable for prolapse. When you're sitting, I wonder if you can breast feed in WW posture; with the lower lumbar cure in place? You may find a back support helpful. I have a lightweight mesh one that can slip over most chairs very helpful in providing lower lumbar curve and back support. It helped me to maintain WW posture when sitting for long lengths of time.

In our family we used to have a lovely large old wooden framed 'nursing chair',' specifically designed for women to breast/bottle feed their babies. I remember the back was quite upright and had broad solid arms. Thinking back it would have been a great chair for breast feeding. I reckon there's a still niche in the current market for 'nursing chairs'!

Good luck in your quest for comfort and rest. Lots of practical research required!
With love, xwholewomanuk

Hi violin and welcome. Congrats on your little babe. WWUK has give you good advice. You don't necessarily have to give up the recliner completely, if it's great for nursing, as long as you stick something behind you for support of the lower spine. But that angle is definitely not one that supports lumbar curvature and pelvic support.

Although any sleeping position is OK for prolapse, you might find some comfort lying on your side with a pillow between your knees. This is a nice stabilizing position for the pelvis, hips and spine, and if you are at all inclined to any pain in these areas, this should feel good.

At 4 weeks you have many ups and downs ahead of you as your body heals. It can take up to 2 years to return to normal (or whatever the new normal is!). Now is such a perfect time to adopt WW posture because you have been carrying your organs forward for the last nine months. You can encourage them to stay there, a golden opportunity that some of us missed, because our prolapses didn't manifest until later. Good luck to you! - Surviving

Except sleeping on the tummy...

I don't think sleeping on your stomach is a problem if it is comfortable for you. You might think you're squishing your organs, but at the same time, they have gravity in their favor. As Christine says, it's when you are upright that the important work is being done. - S60

Hi violin1, congratulations on your new baby! I too discovered my prolapse postpartum - what a thing to add to all the other new mum stuff we have to deal with! Once my milk came in I had a really strong flow too, and fed my baby in the reclining position you're describing. It wasn't great for my prolapse but I figured it would just be for a short time - and it was. At about week 6 the flow would only be strong first thing in the morning, so the rest of the time I could feed sitting up in WW posture for as long as I could maintain it. By week 10 it had totally settled down. Everyone's different, it might take a different length of time for you, but usually the longer you breast feed and the bigger your baby gets, the more efficient and easier it gets. WWUK's suggestion to feed lying on your side is a good one too. Now my babe is 4.5 months old my challenge is his weight! When he's having a long feed I need to support the arm supporting his head so I don't hunch. With the reflux, that will hopefully improve too. My wee one was dreadfully 'colicky' at first, poor thing was often distressed and we didn't get much sleep at all, but as his digestive system has developed we have all gotten happier! Good luck to you both!