rectocele worse


Hi all,
I was not sure which forum to put this under so please forgive me! ☺

I am 37 yo, I have given birth to 2 children, both perfectly normal vaginal births with no physical complications.
When my youngest was about a year old I could not move my bowels very well.
One day as I decided to give up trying to go for the moment I went to wipe anyway and there was the huge ball protruding through my vaginal wall.
I immediately panicked and did the only thing I could after I realized it was "the dirty", I dug it out.
The problem got worse over time and I went to my GYN who sent me to a rectal doctor who sent me back to my GYN.
They seemed confused as to what was happening to me, but finally my GYN decided I needed rectocele repair. They cut a triangle out of the area and sewed it back up.
I have been fine for some 10 years.
However the last 6 month or so I have been very ill, and again they dont know what is wrong.
I vomit almost daily, have diarrhea for a few days then I get constipated for a few more. I have constant EDEMA and excessive thirst.
They have done dozens of tests and the only thing that comes back abnormal is the ANDNA test. I have been diagnosed with RA as well as OA, but this does not explain the Edema which is so bad I can leave fingerprints in my shins.
They have tried 2 different water pills and nothing worked.
I spent 8 hours in the ER and the doc could only tell me I was malnourished.
I continue to lose weight as I have no appetite and when I do it comes right out.
Well this morning after not having a bowel movement yesterday, I could tell it was going to be a bad one.
It was right there but could go no further. After 30 mins of sitting there praying for relief I knew what I would find when I went to wipe. And sure enough it was like a huge rock, sharp and harder than stone.
Which makes no sense because with my excessive thirst I drink more than a gallon of water a day among other things.
So I did the only thing I know to do I dug it out, took another 20 min and alot of bleeding and the pain, Im still in pain now and this was hours ago.
I have noticed that when I cough lately I can feel my rectum purge out.
I am scared. I cant get to the doctor I have no transportation right now.
I dont want to have another surgery.
My sister has Crohn's disease and many feel that my issues are autoimmune.
Any suggestions? I hate bread and those fiber drinks you know the powder stuff makes me gag.
I love prunes but money is tight right now cant get anything till Saturday. I dont have alot of food now, I drink all the water I can stand.. wtheck!

Welcome Blizzardofdee

Can't help with all those possible diagnoses. I have no medical expertise. I've beamed in on the Crohn's disease because of your vomiting, no appetite, diarrhea alternating with hard, dry stools. So let's just talk over a few things.

Answer not knowing you may have inherited a tendency to Crohn’s disease like your sister:

Just drinking water is only part of keeping your bowels regular. When you are having dry, hard stools as you describe, one has to suspect that you have ignored the urge to go, or you have not noticed the urge and this means the stool has retreated from the rectum, more water has been absorbed from it and it has hardened so that the second or third time it has entered the rectum and presented at the anus it has become very hard and sharp.

In this case you need to become more attune to what is going on with your urge to eliminate, don’t put it off even if you have fistula which hurt and bleed. If your work or commuting times conflict with your natural elimination time, then you need to resolve this. At any rate, you need to nominate a regular time at which you must absent yourself from whatever activity you may be involved with and go to the bathroom. There you sit and relax with the intention of defecating. Some people take a book or newspaper with them. You do not strain. If you cannot go and you have not gone for a few days then make sure you apply a mild enema, water or something like miralax. Your aim is to develop regularity and this should prevent dry, hard stools for the most part.

Knowing you may have inherited a tendency to Crohn’s disease:

Your doctors have mentioned malnutrition, so it is possible you are not absorbing the foods you are eating. If these uncomfortable bouts of hard, dry stools alternate with bouts of diarrhea then you really need to look hard at your diet and for at least a week avoid all known allergens and hard-to-digest foods. A good probiotic with many strands of bacteria would help. For your diet concentrate on healing and soothing foods as well as those that assist elimination; but in small doses ones with potassium (like your prunes), vitamin C (most fruits), magnesium (walnuts and almonds. I get almond slivers much easier to digest) and calcium (a good sugar-free, gelatine-free greek yoghurt). If these items are too expensive on your grocery bill, Google for some foods containing these elements that are in plentiful supply right now.

Apart from that, you should always follow your own instincts. If you think your issues are autoimmune, then why not try to discover what the trigger is that sets off your inflammation.

As for the pain, do you have some type of pain killer or is it a soothing lotion that you need? If the latter honey or yoghurt or a slave of some sort, or a soothing bath in warm water. Anything that brings you comfort and relief. Without transportation, you may need help from a friend. Just the sound of a beloved's voice can do wonders.

In the meanwhile, Wholewoman Posture is something that will work on your prolapse. The fact you have had surgery is even better reason to work on that. A description of the posture is under the FAQs on the home page. Try it and then you can think about buying Christine’s book and DVD. It’s a must read.

Your health is your number one concern now.

best wishes, Fab

You sure do have a lot going on, and that can be very scary. Please do seek out care with your preferred health care provider as no one here can possibly advise you beyond ways to manage prolapse. I did however want to point you to the possibility that you are experiencing "third spacing." Pitting edema and constipation signals that fluid is being pulled out of your bloodstream and is being trapped in the interstitial space (the space between cells). The fluids you are taking in are not going where they should, which could be contributing to your symptoms. Third spacing can be related to heart or liver problems, or malnutrition. You may wish to talk with your health care provider about your albumin levels and intervention to diurese that excess fluid. Also, have you been evaluated for a bowel obstuction? You've tried two diuretic pills without success, but if you are truly having absorption issues, your provider may want to try another route of administration that will work better for you. I agree with fab, look into ways of eliminating inflammation. Also, consider using a glycerine suppository next time you feel backed up -- should be gentler than digital disimpaction -- I'm sure you could do without bleeding and pain on top of everything else. I hope you and your health care provider can come to a solution -- best wishes.

Hi Blizzard

Whatever condition you have is way beyond the help that we can give you on these Forums. There is certainly something medical going on, and the guys you have seen and the tests you have had don't produce answers, do they? This means that you will probably not get any fresh thinking if you go back and see the same people for the same treatment. I can only repeat what Fab and BadMirror have said. BadMirror has given you some questions to ask the doctor to help them to move their thinking in a new direction.

I agree with BadMirror, that you don't need to drink any more water. Something is interfering with the way the water is being processed in your body. That is what you need to find out.

What do you eat in a typical day? What would you eat on a day when you are eating really well? What would you eat on a day when you don't eat well?
