new..need to vent/ need advice


Well hello, I've been lurking around the internet for weeks now. I am 21 years old and just gave birth to my first child 6 weeks ago. I had a 9 pound baby boy and a very long aggravating labor! I started feeling better at 3 weeks postpartum.. i decided to go where no woman should go at that point. I felt around and noticed i could feel my cervix at the tip of my index finger while standing! I could even feel past it with my finger! So i again i went where i shouldn't have! Google... i instantly slipped into depression. Everyday since that 3 week mark I've been obsessively feeling my cervix, crying, feeling hopeless... I've read alot online and i can't seem to find anything to make me feel better.. before the birth of my son no matter how hard i tried my cervix was unreachable so there's no doubt my uterus is falling. I really need some hope.. i have my 6 week checkup in 2 days and im dreading it i should be fully healed and this problem didn't go away! Im so upset everyone around me can tell. I hope i don't sound naive or ridiculous im concerned about my sex life and basically life in general.. thanks for listening! Feel free to tell me miracles happen!

If you can reach your cervix only with the tip of your index finger, then I'd say it's pretty high up. You just had a baby, it'll take a while for things to go back as they were. Not six weeks- took your body nine months to make this baby, give it at least that much time to recover. Meanwhile, read up about wholewoman posture and about providing your pelvic organs the real support they need. You're still in the sensitive early postpartum time period where just a little proper posture and breathing can go a long way in helping those pelvic organs getting back to where they should be.

Chickaboom is right, AshleyHR.

The six week checkup is just so the obstetrician/midwife can sign off on the birth process, ie they don't need to do any more. It is also for ensuring that the Mom understands about the need for contraception from there on, in case breastfeeding is not going to provide enough protection (another story) , that the lochia has ceased, and that baby is being looked after OK and fed properly, and that the Mom is OK in herself.

There is no way your body has recovered from birth in six weeks. Try two years, to get back to as good as it gets on the inside! Don't worry, you are not naive. This is stuff that nobody tells us. We have all thought at some point in our lives that our body would be recovered in six weeks. You are now officially in the know, and can get on with life, and the rest of your recovery, knowing that it will get much better with patience and looking after your body.

Next stop for you is the FAQ's tab and the Resources tab, and put keywords into the search box to search the Forums and start to get your head around what you have to do, and what you can expect.

Come back with more questions.



Thank you ladies so much! Im so glad there is a place for me to learn about this from real women not webMD (LOL) i will be doing lots of reading on here now!

Dear AshleyHR,
Congratulations on your beautiful baby, breath, sit & walk in WWP, read as I have been since May, & know that you have come to the best place for support, advice and cyber (((hugs))).
Best wishes
Aussie Soul Sister

You can strengthen your pelvic muscles by performing Kegel exercises. You do these as if trying to stop the flow of urine. This strengthens the pelvic muscles.

A falling uterus in the first few weeks after delivery, especially if you breastfeed your baby and have lower than normal estrogen levels, is not a long-term problem. There is always improvement with keeping nursing and hormones return to normal again.

Dear AshleighHR

Just to say that as you have been lurking for weeks now you probably know already that this site does not recommend kegels. The newcomer Allison4 is possibly trying to be helpful, but even conventional medical wisdom does not recommend Kegels for uterine prolapse.

WW posture is a beneficial move for you to make at this early stage of your life. It will help your prolapse improve quicker and will help to prevent the possible re-occurrence of prolapse with any new pregnancies and much later in life at menopause.

I sure wish I had discovered it at 22 when I had my first child and like you developed uterine prolapse.

Hi Dear AshleyHR & Allison4 - like you I am relatively knew to this forum, I am going to have a celebration soon for 6mths here!!! Yipeeeeee
Please read Christine's Blog, prolapse information & FAQ, which have tabs at the top of this page.

Paradigm shifts or questioning long held common beliefs, which are bandied about like gospel, has been life changing for me.

I now stand in Whole Woman Posture, as a Saved Whole Woman sending you love, peace, & wishing you well during your search for knowledge, which for me has been a great privilege.
(((hugs))) & best wishes
Aussie Soul Sister

Hi Allison – Christine has written extensively about kegeling, that it is ineffective against prolapse and can actually aggravate it. Here is just one of her articles:

Here is her latest article, detailing a move that should replace kegels:

While this forum is open to anyone who wishes to comment, for the sake of our members we will always question random postings such as yours. Thanks for understanding - Surviving

Dear Survivng 60,
Thanks for posting the links to Christine's Kegel articles, & for being to the point.
& Best wishes
Aussie Soul Sis