Female artifacts from 8,000 years ago


Good Morning Dear Sisters, here is a link from recently discovered artifacts from some 8,000 years ago. The female symbolism clearly shows the WW natural female posture. http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/11/2012/archaeologists-...
I didn't know where to put this, so maybe pelvic health? Have a lovely day.

Hi Ms Nightingale,
Thank you so much for that. It is so interesting! xwholewomanuk

Absolutely! We've all probably seen pictures of this type of artifact. The side view helps. Natural female posture is as old as (wo)mankind. Thanks for posting - Surviving

It is great to see figures that are not the same as the ones in the books I have read. The female figure is significantly different from the male figure. The artists know this. There has to be significance in the difference. Thanks Ms Nightingale.

(BTW, no you are not going mad. The original link was missing the 'h' in http. I just inserted it, as Administrator.)