vaginal vault prolapse


I have managed to get Christine's first edition (yellow cover book) from our library. On reading through I realized that my prolapse looks like the picture on page 36, figure 18. I have always thought that my prolapse was the uterus that came down and outside my vagina with the cervix towards the front. How can I be sure which one it is, uterus or vault ? I have seen 5 gynecologists trying to get fitted with a pessary but neither of them have said anything about a vaginal vault prolapse, could this be because, like Christine has said in the past, they always examine you on the bed with legs in stirrups so they don't see it when it is all the way out. I find by the time you have sat and waited for hours to see them everything has gone back in place, more or less. When I push my prolapse back inside of me it always goes back over the pubic bone. When I get up in the morning I find that everything has gone back inside again but starts to drop as soon as I walk about. I recently sent for the Fembrace but it doesn't help me keep things in. If it is a vault, will the posture and exercises help this situation too? I would appreciate any thoughts?
We have just had a few lovely sunny days, helping to ward off winter for a little longer.

Hi Daphne,
Glad to hear you'v emanaged to get hole od 'Saving the WW' from the library. What a great idea and community resource. It would be brilliant if lots of libraries could stock it. This is probably more feasible in the US. I enquired in the UK, but was told it would be too expensive.

Also glad to hear your prolapse regularly recovers (after sleeping, being pushed up etc). That just goes to show how mobile the pelvic orgnas can be and how prolapses can worsen or improve depending on circumstances. This is very hopeful as it means if you continue to do the WW work your symptoms will almost certainly improve. The WW work will help any kind of prolapse. Look up the WW blogs. There's a lot of helpful info there.

As far as I understand it's relatively easy to distinguish between a uterine prolapse and other types of prolapses. A uterine prolapse indicates that the uterus has tipped backwards and the cervix descends down into the vaginal passage. You can feel the tip of the cervix with a 'dimple' or closed up entrance into the uterus is and the cervix/uterus structure feels firm. The cervix may/may not protrude outside the vagina. Remember wherever the pelvic organs are - they are moveable and therefore there is always potential for improvement. A vaginal vault is when the vagina has turned completely inside out and there isn't the long pointy shaped protrusion of the uterine prolapse.

It sounds as if it may be hlepful to have an examinaiton if you want to be sure what kind of prolapse you have - at that particular point in time. As you've found the position of the pop's varies during the day and from day to day and time to time...

Wishing you all the best, xLindy

Hi Daphne - I seem to recall that your situation is somewhat like Christine's - you had a Birch bladder repair procedure, and later suffered a profound uterine prolapse as a result. She has advised you to try using WW posture. It is much more challenging in your situation because your anatomy is altered. But, so was Christine's! So there is always hope for improvement, especially since, as WWUK said, everything is always moving around, and you do manage to get your uterus up over your pubic bones as least when you are in certain positions.

I personally doubt that you have a vaginal vault prolapse, since you still have your uterus (I presume that hasn't changed?). That type of prolapse is more common after hysterectomy. That being said, you certainly should find out what you have, and if you aren't sure, need to ask the doctor. - Surviving

Hi, Wholewoman UK
Thank you for you reply and words of encouragement. The reason I was concerned about it perhaps being a V. Vault was because, as I said, it looks just like the picture I referred too from the book. I have decided to do the exercises more than every other day and see if that will have any effect. I wear my home made garment but the weight of the prolapse still pushes right outside and is so big.

I was surprised the the libraries in England think it would be to expensive to stock Christine's book, I am sure other women would benefit from reading it as not everyone has a computer. I come from England to, from Northamptonshire. I now live in Canada.

Best Wishes, Daphne

Hi, Surviving60,
Thank you for your thought on my question. Yes, I still have my Uterus and trying my best not to loose any more parts to surgeons knives. You are very kind answering so many peoples questions on a regular basis. I try not to be a nuisance but every now and then I just need some encouragement. Thank you.

Dear Daphne,
If you haven't done this lately, it might be a help to look through any paperwork or xrays relating to the procedures that you have had. I did that recently & it helps to clarify things.
Best wishes in your journey.
And many many thanks to Surviving 60 as you are a font of knowledge & encouragement.
Lindy - I am going to request my library stocks Saving the Whole Woman -
Aussie Soul Sister

Daphne, you are never a nuisance, in fact we hope that you will stop by here whenever you need to vent or get a little encouragement. That's what we are here for! I hope that you don't mind that I sometimes mention the repairs that you've had. This is for the benefit of other members who might feel moved to post some suggestions for you. It helps explain why you have some special challenges in keeping things tucked inside. Keep coming back, there's always a chance that a new idea will surface that will help you get through your days a little easier. We have some good resourceful ladies on here!! - Surviving

Hi Daphne

Would it be possible to take a picture of your support garment and put it on Flickr, or Photobucket, or some other image website, and post the link here, so others can see the design of it?
