Postpartum prolapse.


I am new to this forum. I have a beautiful 8 month old baby boy. 4 weeks after having him I was diagnoised with a cystocele. I have seen a gyn and a physio and was told simply to do the pelvic floor exercises and in time it would heal. I have purchased the kegel 8 and have been doing it everyday for the last 6 months and see no improvement. I have also been doing the whole woman posture. I am wondering if Kegel exercise have actually worked for anyone? I am feeling very uncomfortable especially toward the end of the day when the bulge is worse. How long does it take to see improvement? I find it hard to believe that the bulge will ever actually disapear. Is it possible for it to heal? It would be great to hear other peoples stories. I have also bought the sea sponges from jade and pear. They seem to help for a short amount of time and then they slide down. Are the sponges just a temporary fix to cover the symptoms or can they actually help it to heal? I also stopped breastfeeding at 4 months but do not see any difference. Sorry for so many questions!

Welcome and Congratulations on your baby boy. I wish you a long and happy future together.
It’s bad luck about the cystocele, but I think you will find you have come to the right place. There is lots of information here and good ideas for managing your prolapse.

Kegels is often advised for incontinence. Christine does not recommend that we do Kegels for pelvic organ prolapse and frequently a cystocele does not present with incontinence. If you go into the resource tab at the top of the page, and then "Whole Woman Village Post" it should take you straight to an article called “The New Kegels – The Effective Way To Manage Pelvic Organ Prolapse”. In this article Christine explains why she does not recommend the conventional kegels that physiotherapists usually demonstrate.

As you are so early postpartum then things should start to look up pretty soon. Especially if you allow yourself more time to heal. It used to be considered that 2 years was a reasonable amount of time for you to expect to recover from the birth of a child.

If you follow the Whole Woman Posture it will help your cystocele and if you allow it to become second nature then you will be set up for life so that prolapse will not revisit you at menopause.

I haven’t had any success with sponges, (I have uterine prolapse) but some women have and you could find some threads on the use of sponges if you type sponges in the search box at the top of the page.
They are meant to hold the prolapse in place and make you feel more comfortable.

Yes, I have heard that once you stop breast feeding that prolapses should improve, but I don’t know if there is any truth in that. So don’t worry that things should have improved by now, they are just taking a little longer, frustrating at the moment for sure, but keep heart for with your thirst for knowledge and determination to improve, you’ll get there.

After you have had a look around, please come back with any further questions you may have.

cheers, Fab

Decades of kegeling did not prevent prolapse for me. When I came to Whole Woman, I understood what they were actually doing (pulling the organs in the wrong direction). Look on the Blog for Christine's article called "Just Do Yer Kegels". I stopped, learned the posture instead, and have been practicing it for going on 3 years. This is the way to manage prolapse.

You're young and still PP so there is still improvement ahead for you, as Fab explains. I'd give just about anything to have made this posture correction at your stage of life. Instead, after the PP bulginess subsided, I went back to my life of bad posture and kegeling. Prolapse slowly developed (the signs were there, unrecognized by me) until that one day of sudden discovery that so many of us experience.

So - get started now. And enjoy life with your sweet babe. - Surviving

Thank you so much fab and surviving 60. I really appreciate your help. I have been focusing on the posture. I am finding it feels unnatural, but I am sure it will only take time to become second nature. I really hope it will work as it is very frustrating. Thank you both for giving me hope :) Also are there any other exercises you would recommend to strengthen the area?

Hello I thought I would offer some of my experience, my little boy is 11 months nearly and I have a bladder, bowel and trying to keep my cervix up!! I started off by listening and think its flabby skin and it needs exercising with Kegels and I bought the hab it DVD and started doing Kegels but it made me worse for definite and I had a constant tampon feeling all the time, awful! I started doing the exercises off Christine's first DVD every morning sometimes just the first 20 mins and it seems to keep me good, and I've ordered the second expensive when your in the uk but thought I need it!!

I also practise the posture at all times and try some nice walks in the posture, watch how I lift and bend from the hips not the waist.

I felt awful at the start devasted but it gets easier and my symptoms are better if I do posture and DVD daily..

Thinking off you but try stopping Kegels as I found an improvement after I did!!

Lifegoeson, thanks for checking in. I'm glad it's going well. This is a nice encouraging post for your fellow newbies to read. - Surviving