Sexual sensitivity?


Hi Everyone, I am a 31 year old who has never had children with a level 2 urethrocele; i believe this was brought about by a lifetime of bad bathroom habits and the past 2 years of extreme constipation (where i was straining to have a bowel movement as if i was giving birth). One night i was straining really badly and i felt something snap, when i checked myself out, my anus was in a different spot than it was before. Ever since then, all of my problems have gotten worse and a year and a half later i was finally diagnosed with a urethrocele (my doctor said that "snap" was actually my urethra displacing itself). Now i have issues with bladder, sexual and bowel function. I dont really know when i have to go to the bathroom outside of a general feeling of pressure and discomfort but no real urgency. I still have to have the urodynamics testing and was also referred to a neurologist to make sure there are no spinal issues. So i still have a ways to go with my diagnosis. I have about 10 million questions but i figured i would start with one!

My question right now is whether a urethrocele or a cystocele can effect feeling in the clitoris? i have definitely noticed a lack of sensitivity vaginally but i assume that is because of the urethra pushing into my vaginal wall (which i can see coming out off my vagina is i bend over and push....). I am definitely less sensitive clitorally as well but i dont know why that would be a symptom (since the clitoris seems safely partitioned away from the pelvic cavity). I also feel like my clitoris has moved a bit and seems more engorged (without being aroused). I am sorry if thats TMI, its just such a hard thing to explain.

Hey Shortcake, your clitoris is not just the little button under the hood. Take a look at this. . This is the best image I can find. There are hundreds more if you google images of clitoris . Your clitoris is *not* the only source of your arousal and sexual response. There is female prostatic tissue all around the urethra. There is erogenous tissue in many places in your genitals. I imagine that if fascial connections are stretched or broken around our genitals all our erogenous tissue will move differently, so will be aroused differently.

All you are saying makes good sense. Keep up your curiosity. It is your body. It is your right to find out how your pleasure gear works, and what is happening with your organs.


Thank you!!! any diagram i have seen has always been illuminating prolapse only in terms of bowel/bladder/uterus/vagina; its reeally helpful to see whats going on in the "front."