red clover supplements


hi i have posted before,am 56 years of age with a stage 3 uterine prolapse,and fibroids.when you read about fibroids it states they shrnk at menapause,but i dont feel mine are shrinking.Some days i camt feel them at all and others my whole womb and cervix feels swollen.i have read alot about red clover tea or tablets wouls like to know if anyone has had success with this supplement and if it can shrink the cervix, i feel i am oestrogen dominent i take milk thistle as a supplement also.would be interested if anyone has had this problem.

Trumper, where are you in menopause? Has it been a year since your last period? If you are still feeling a lot of changes in your uterus, it may be too early for you to say whether or not the fibroids are shrinking. - Surviving

Hi, I am taking red clover capsules for one month, I try to take 3 a day as I heard it recommended on the utube video. I think it is helping and I find it helps to stick to a diet of no wheat and no dairy though at times it is hard when you have a family that does and can eat wheat and dairy.
I can't say for sure the red clover is working but it does feel that slowly something is changing and improving. Stretches, exercising and walking also help. I am going to continue with the red clover capsules as it was recommended to take for 3 months before major change was accomplished.
Please let us know your experience with red clover if you decide to try it. I am also taking two Tablespoons of Hemp Seed Oil, and trying to drink a cup of green tea everyday. I just started that a couple weeks ago, interesting flavor that oil.

Oh, sorry I was going to tell you that I am 55 years old, I just have my birthday this week! And I also have not noticed any shrinking of fibroids or for that matter anything else in a number of years!!! My husband describes me as short and stout! I am definitely not pleased with this description.
Happy July 4th!!