Is this ok?


So, in trying to manage my worsened POP (definitely rectocele and most likely a cyctocele too), how bad things get "down there" seems to be determined by what's happening in the peeing and pooping dept. since peri menopause set in, constipation has been an issue. When my bowels are full and backed up a bit, there is constant heaviness and bulging. Same with bladder fullness. Along with eating healthy with plenty of fiber and water, I have been taking daily doses of Metamucil along with Miralax and a stool softener. This keeps things moving, but I can tell there is more fluid in my abdomin making things feel heavy and bulgy. So I decided to cut out the Miralax and stool softener and instead am drinking Aloe juice in sugar free Cranberry juice in the morning and before bed as well as taking a Phillips Milk of Magnesia tablet morning and evening. The tablets are not technically a laxative but are basically Magnesium. And I am having 2 normal satisfying BMs each day since adding these. My stools are solid and substantial instead of thin and soft. I feel like I am actually finished after going and not that there is still more up there.

But are these tablets ok to use daily and indefinitely? I know many women add magnesium supplements to help keep things moving, but I want to be careful not to create a dependency on anything to help me poop.

Hi Cecilly - I am not the food expert here (understatement of the year!) but I think others will agree with me when I say that the extra fiber/extra water cycle is probably more of an aggravation than anything else. The laxatives and stool softeners are of course two things that you do not want to be reliant on either. Fab and WWUK have done some good posts on this topic. I'd stick with the magnesium, healthy organic fruits/veggies, plenty of exercise, and a good probiotic with lots of different strains. Many many helpful posts on this forum on the subject of food and pooping. Good luck to you - Surviving