rectocele prolapse and have had complete hysterectomy


Hi Ladies....I just went to the Dr today because of this bulge I have been feeling. She confirmed my worries regarding some type of prolapse. In researching since I got home, I was lucky enough to find this site. This prolapse was the last thing I needed right now. I was recently diagnosed with possible thyroid cancer. Biopsy was inconclusive. Dr said 50/50 chance of cancer so she wanted to take it out to be sure. Ok, take it out, no cancer, then what? Put it back? Irrepairable damage on a 50/50 chance. I said no and am now in the middle of a 90 day detox working to regenerate my cells. I know several people who actually had thyroid cancer and healed themselves completely naturally. Because of my high raw diet and juicing, I am lucky enough to not have any symptoms others than the damn bulge itself. It came on so fast that I honestly believe jumping on my rebounder to get my lymph system moving aggrivated what was already going on in the deep recesses of my pelvis. I cannot get into the GYN until March 3rd. At first I was upset but now, after finding this site, I am thinking that maybe there was a reason. I would love to know if there are any of you out there that have also have prolapse and also have had hysterectomies. I had to have mine due to uterine prolapse. This was back in 2000. I wish to heck I knew then what I know now. I didn't even know until today that they took my cervix then also! How sad is that. I thought it was only my uterus. This thyroid issue has woken me up to an awful lot of information on our so esteemed medical profession. If there is a way to manage this problem without surgery, I am willing to give it a shot. I would love to hear from you. NEED to hear from you!!!

Thank you so much!!!!!

Hi Crossroads and welcome. Oftentimes doctors promote hysterectomy as a "cure" for uterine prolapse, ignoring the fact that the uterus is the hub of the wheel that holds the pelvic organs in place and has the ability to pull them forward into the lower belly. So after it is removed, other organs frequently move into the breach. Thus it is no surprise for you to have prolapse now; most of us get it eventually even WITH our uterus in place.

We do have several members who are doing quite well with the WW work post-hyst. The fact is that you need this posture as much as, if not more than, everyone else. You need to try and keep the remaining organs forward and you need to cultivate healthy, stable hip joints. This is the way to do both. It can be a bit more challenging, but take action and you will feel more empowered just for doing so.

Lots of hugs and best wishes to you! You've got a lot on your plate but definitely a good head on your shoulders! Keep us posted. - Surviving

Thank you Surviving for your reply. Although a bit overwhelmed, I am doing the best I can to stay positive and your reply really helps. I am so grateful I found this site!!