buffalo hump


Hysterectomy and the Whole Woman® Posture by Christine Kent on September 20, 2012

this article talks of developing a buffalo hump following hysterectomy. I have not suffered that or any other prolapse surgery but I have had a buffalo hump for at least 30 years. I have always understood a buffalo hump to be the result of hashimotos (thyroid auto immune disease). My question is, is there any possibility thyroid dysfunction causes prolapse, as I see posts from women never pregnant.

hi, when doing any exercises, should tummy muscles be used at all or just in some postures?

Don't know what to say about the thyroid theory. But with maybe 75% of us ending up with prolapse eventually, it's clearly not a condition solely arising from pregnancy and childbearing. I think our focus needs to be on tending to the posture and habits that have been proven to help our condition - whatever the cause may be.

The natural spinal shape has been lost in so many of us, due to suck-and-tuck posture and slouching back into soft furniture. When the lower lumbar curve is flattened, the upper spine will have to curve as a way to compensate. I'm sure it isn't just that simple, but I know one thing....I use to think I was on the road to having one of those humps, and now I do not.

As for the tummy muscles, you need to keep them relaxed. The exercises are all done in posture, with Christine's running commentary....you have all you need. Learn and understand posture. I become impatient at times when members want to discuss the exercises as if this were an exercise program. This is a posture correction for life. - Surviving

thanks for the reply. It is hard relaxing tummy muscles, I often become conscious they are held in, any suggetions? also what is the best posture to do for the days the whole program isnt done?

Dear sewhappy,
Not wearing clothes that are tight, learning to belly breath & making sure your chest is lifted, is helping you to relax the lower belly. I found it so liberating to be able to relax...
When you have been living in WWP for a while you will notice that your abdominal wall will be a strong & long muscular wall with no effort other than being in WWP. The exercise DVDs do help to further strengthen the body & are an essential adjunct to living in WWP.
It is a journey, - by the way I like your name - I like sewing and fabrics also...
Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

thanks Aussie Soul Sister for every thing, I have a reason to go shopping now....sewing is what I used to do/be, trying to recapture it all, blessings to everyone

I was just browsing and read about a buffalo hump, could you explain what it is please. The Hashimoto (thyroid) caught my eye as my 42year old daughter has been told she may have it.I haven't heard of it before.I would love to learn more about it as I can pass info to her.My daughter only found this out 3days ago. Hoping for some info.

In women who have lost lower lumbar curvature, the spine often compensates by developing a hump at the base of the neck. If you click over to the Blog page, and put the word "hump" into the search box, four articles will come up, all of which are worth reading (as is everything on this site!). - Surviving