More updates on my journey- progress is possible!


Hello again! Hope everyone is doing well. I've just come on to give some more updates on my prolapse journey and the ups and downs that come with it.

I noticed that right before my period my cervix dropped a bit out of normal position. With a few days of firebreathing, nauli, and posture attention it moved back up- and then my period started so can't do much until it's over.

I think I was pushing myself too hard physically over the last couple of weeks. I'm a photography student so am often handling cumbersome equipment. I try to take as many trips as possible when setting up lighting but I need to give myself more time.

Up until now BMs have been pretty good, any rectocele barely noticeable, no splinting needed. My diet has never been better and I'm supplementing 133mg Mag Cit in addition to my multi-vite, which has 100mg. During my period I usually get very heavy cramping, which can cause diarrhea- joy. But! Was able to use a tampon so very excited about that. Last period, at the beginning of my prolapse discovery, I couldn't even insert one. So some progress?

Even on my bad days I continue to remain hopeful for more reversal. Front wall feels much firmer and some days the urethrocele is much smaller. Looking forward to graduating from college so I can move back home and start fermenting things. I mentioned kombucha to my roommates and they all made these horrific faces, so I'm being nice and waiting until I move out to experiment with that.

This forum gives me so much inspiration. I often find myself thinking "if Surviving60 and Aging Gracefully can do it, you can do it too!" There are so many women on here much older than I am, and many seem to be managing and living life to the fullest. I'm very lucky to be young, and I try to keep that in mind on the days where everything just feels heavy and hurting.

What a beautiful post, larougefille! You give inspiration yourself be telling us of your journey into Whole Woman and personal healing. Thank you.

Dear larougefille,
Thank you for sharing your positive story!!
It is very heartening to see younger women taking the WW approach.
All the best of luck with your photography course, & working out safer ways to lug your equipment about, which I'm sure would help many others if you have a work - health - safety audit component of your course, as I have had with my courses.

Best wishes,
Aussie Soul Sister

Wonderful update, thanks for posting. Such great inspiration for others going through rough times. Please keep us up to date. I've always felt inspired by the efforts of the younger ladies on here.....never thought of how you might be inspired by those of us slightly more over-the-hill! Kinda makes my day! - Surviving

Enjoyed reading comments from a younger member. I have had prolapse since the birth of my first son at 26. Periods were heavy and difficult with the pressure of the prolapse. Now in my 60's and post hysterectomy I still have good and bad days. Luckily after starting Christine's program the bad days are fewer. I enjoyed five years after my hysterectomy before the bladder started to fall.
You are extremely fortunate to have started Christine's program earlier than some of us.
Keep us posted on how you are doing.