Research on Vaginal Dryness after Menopause


Hello Ladies,

I’m a researcher at Stanford University, and my team is developing a non-hormonal treatment for vaginal dryness. We would appreciate feedback on the design of our treatment from women suffering from vaginal dryness. If you would be available for a 20 minute conversation to provide feedback on the treatment we’re developing, please contact our director of research, Holly Rockweiler at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your help!

Kathryn Olson

hi kathryn,

have you reviewed christine's DVD, the whole woman way to vulva vaginal health? i would encourage you to purchase a copy. she has cracked the code on the biochemistry of the problem and you probably have the solution in your kitchen. it won't make you rich like licensing a new drug to a big pharma company, but it won't make women sick with side effects either. i'm not sure how much response you'll get here, but we'll leave your post up.

but i would encourage any women with vaginal dryness to review christine's solution.

lanny goodman
whole woman inc.