Cystocele Images


Hello ladies,

Like surviving, I don't usually take a mirror to examine my Cystocele. That is what I was diagnosed with the one and only time I went to a gyn for an examination. However, I did take a look at myself the other evening (kind of a morbid curiosity). The reason I was checking is because I usually feel ''bulgier'' toward the end of the day. I should add that I generally walk around 2 hrs on a daily basis quite briskly, while trying to keep in WW posture the whole time. I noticed that my bulge had what looked like a pointy tail at one end - that's the best way I can describe it. So was wondering whether other ladies on this forum have noticed that with their Cystocele too? I definitely don't want to get into the habit of looking at it every day. Another weird thing I have noticed is that while standing under a hot shower, it seems to recede completely, same as lying down.

Thanks for reading and any further input.


Interesting questions.......with no clear answers, for sure.

I wonder if, when you get under the hot shower, your whole body relaxes even more than you realize, and you are letting go of belly tightness that you did not even realize you had. Do you shower in the morning or evening? It's certainly normal to feel the heaviest at the end of the day. For me it's generally the morning and it's a favorite time for me to do a few firebreaths and really make myself feel good. I would guess that your shower is simply melting away the last bits of tension and tightness that you were carrying.

Not long ago I was feeling particularly uncomfortable and I realized that I had a boil or pimple on my 'cele. It didn't stay long, and while I had it, I never pulled out the mirror. But keep in mind that your 'cele is just a portion of your vaginal wall with a bulging organ on the other side of it. Does this pointy tail feel sensitive to the touch? Can you describe it some more? - Surviving

Hi surviving,

I take my shower in the evening. The pointy thing on my 'cele looks kinda' like a little tail. That's the best way I can describe it. Do you happen to remember the link on this site where there are pictures? No, it doesn't feel sensitive to the touch and I think it points toward the anterior. It's not a pimple or boil or any sort of lesion like that. thanks for replying.


Possibly a little polyp or skin tag on the vaginal wall? Maybe you could google for images of that. I don't recall any pictures on this site, maybe you are thinking of the self-exam article. - Surviving

Hi surviving,

The pointy area is part of the actual 'cele itself rather than a separate growth or polyp growing ON the 'cele. I thought Christine had some pictures posted somewhere on the site, although I could be wrong. I have tried to Google for images, but not with much success. Thanks again.


A cystocele is a bulge in the front vaginal wall. Anything that is "on" the cystocele is actually "on" the front vaginal wall. A cystocele is not a separate thing that is growing on your vaginal wall. It actually is your front vaginal wall, which is bulging out because the bladder is behind that wall and has fallen back from its normal position. So I guess I'm not understanding your distinction between something being on the 'cele, and being part of the 'cele. Perhaps we really do need the help of someone who is more accustomed to inspecting their 'celes than me. - Surviving

Yes surviving, I understand what you are saying and perhaps I wasn't making myself very clear. Perhaps I should have mentioned the ''shape'' of my 'cele. It's a small oval shaped bulge with a point on one end. I'll continue to Google for pics and see if I can come up with something. It's not something I'm worried about I'm just curious to see pictures of Cystoceles.


Well, after quite a lot of searching around online I did eventually find a picture which seemed to correspond with what I was looking for, that is, a picture of a cystocele. The picture even showed the tail end with the point. Of course I realize that because the pelvic organs are fluid, and move, what I see in my OWN mirror could change, but I don't intend to do much checking that way. It was just my curiosity that made me want to check out both images, the one online and the one in MY mirror. I have now put the issue to rest!


where did you find the picture? I'm wondering what I'm feeling and seeing also :/

Seville, thanks for your comment. I am new to the site and this forum, but have the very same experience as you. I was worried about the shape of my prolapse, and it is just as you described it. I am glad to be learning more and am glad to hear that I am okay. I just received my book and DVD and I am excited to get started. I just happened onto this site, quite by accident, but immediately felt that it was a "divine intervention" and I am so grateful. I really didn't want the help the medical world offered, but was afraid that was my only choice. I am looking forward to learning and appreciate the suggestions and success stories from women with the same experience.

Here it is:

This is actually in the book also.

Hi and welcome - sounds like you are off to a good start! This is a great community. Keep us posted on your progress! - Surviving