WHOLE Woman book questions and Cystocele/rectocele


Hi, Im 22 years old, and I'm almost 100% I have these 2 issiues, I've already been having colitis, gallbadder problems, (I still have to empty my gallbladder naturally)...
And since today morning I'm scared to death that on one side of my anal wall is split a bit the nerve or that I have an anal Sphincter (inside) on one side a little bit!
I have difficulty pooping since 2 weeks (diarrea and constipation toghether) and now I can feel that on one side inside my anal wall is kinda weakend and I can feel the poop close to the wall (disgusting to say, but it's the right place where I can say this stuff, lol)
I'm scared to death, I don't wan't to become incontenent! O.O
Or whathewher..
last week, I did a few enemas, and it even got worse..
But well, I can't do anything about this now...

I eat high fiber diet, vegan low fat, EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth has fiber! and lot's of fruits and veggies... I used to have very healthy bowel mowements twice a day! :'(

Now, for sure I WON'T do an OP, I'm totally against medicine and operations, plus I read all the dangers that came across with this OP!
NO thanks!
Ma question is:

Does the whole woman provide exersices also to strenghen the anal walls as well?
Any succsess?
are there any other exersices you did that helped all of my problems I wrote?

Please Help! I'm really scared!
I DON'T wan't to live with this for live, I've even considered water fasting! I wrote to a profassional about this, and he said in 26-30 days I could have good chances of healing including the rectocele/cystocele!

But, anyway, any advice is welcome!


Hi alice and welcome. There is a prolapse self-exam on this site, and plenty to read from Christine and other members here who have written at length of their experience. It is very hard to tell from your post if you have prolapse. Do you have a history of severe constipation and straining? Do you do intense heavy lifting or extreme “core” exercise with lots of abs crunching? These are the kinds of things that might contribute to prolapse in someone as young as you with no childbearing history (I assume). Take it easy on the enemas, ease up on the extreme high-fiber diet, it sounds like maybe your system just needs a rest. Do some more reading. Here is the self-exam: