

So my doctor says I can heal myself and no surgery! I have two internal hemorroids and one "outie," along with a prolapse. So, since I've been away from the site for awhile, please, I don't remember the materials and video mentioning hemorroids. So is the posture supposed to relieve the symptoms? I'm ready to exercise, but need some hope that it isn't futile for this problem. Thanks!


Don't you already do WW posture? Do you find it helps? - Surviving

Yes, I've been practicing the posture, but did the hemorroids come from all the time I forgot to do it? Does anyone have any clues as how to help this area besides the posture?

Amish Fan, your doctor said you can heal yourself, did he or she have any suggestions? - Surviving

Since I was coming out of anesthisia after a colonoscopy, my doctor decided to speak with my husband instead. I will see him in two weeks. I have been practicing the posture. Will that move the rectum so that the pressure is adjusted and the hemorroids lessen?

I can't say to what extent you will get relief from WW posture, but it can't hurt, and you should be in posture anyway, so you will find out. A good anti-inflammatory diet, avoidance of constipation and straining, and maintaining lumbar curvature on the toilet are all important. I did look up the Anurex, and it is temporary relief that you get from sticking something frozen up your butt. Harmless enough, and possibly worth a try if you are interested. Tanglefoot can tell you how long the relief lasts. - Surviving

So I've been diligently using the posture and guess what. No hemorroid problem. Amazing. I thank God for Christine!!

Amish Fan, that is great news. It's amazing what the posture correction can do. It affects so many things. Keep working on it. If it isn't second nature yet, it will be eventually. Thanks for the update - Surviving