poo problems


Dear All, In the last few days the bulge (rectocele) was unusually big. This evening I felt an urge to go. It was terrible, the poo went into my bulge, splinting didn't work, I strained a lot....and now it is still stucked there. I feel it is a very hard piece trapped in the bulge. And now I think it has been staying there for days so that was the reason why the bulge was so big. I can't imagine how to empty the bulge. I would appreciate any advice. Budahazya
* I read the threads on proper posture to evacuate (such as Luised's), but I am not able to evacuate while being in half squat.


Buda, next time the urge comes very strongly, try getting down on elbows and knees with your butt in the air, and rock back and forth (this has been discussed and pictured to you in other posts). You are doing this to get the organs and their channels into their best possible alignment. When you get up, try to keep your lower half as horizontal as possible. Do some firebreathing. All this should bring your rectocele into a better position, further forward. Sit down on the toilet with that lumbar curvature in place, and try to splint with two fingers. - Surviving

Surviving, I will try!