WW Posture and position of knees


I want to make sure I'm walking with my knees in the correct position. I understand from Saving The Whole Woman, the knees should be facing front over the ankles. Re: the section on Position of the Feet It says the knees should be positioned over the middle toes of the feet. Are these two descriptions pretty much the same thing? Or not? I'm not sure. I would appreciate any comments.



Hi Steadele
I don't have any answers but I was just on here to search feet placement as I am finding it tricky. I have been very much on my heels a lot over the years so looking to correct this but it feel foreign. I think my feet face forward but I feel like my arch support needs a bit of work and I get sore on the balls of my feet by the end of the day.

Looking forward to the comments from those more experienced members.

I posted this about one of Christine's stretches alleviating foot pain today...
You can also use the WW baton as a massager.


As for knee alignment the knees are best supported whether in hip turn out or walking with feet straight in front, over the 2nd and 3rd toe and not to either side of them.

Before WW I was along with hip, pop and many other issues, I was experiencing knee pain on climbing stairs and when walking at times and at night - all part of the collective set of degeneration of the whole structure of the body, which is addressed by the holistic nature of WWP and exercises.

Christine works the body from top to toe and inside out and touches our souls! What a gift!
Have fun with this amazing journey,
Aussie Soul Sister

Boy would you have loved last year's WW conference. It was all about feet. One session we had a professional reflexologist come in, and we got paired up to do foot massages on each other. I had the good fortune to be paired up with an attendee who was herself a massage therapist. The instructor really had us breaking down those adhesions. He had a quirky name for that, which I'll see if I can remember (hopefully it's in my notes at home). - Surviving

PS, here's my live on-the-scene conference report:

There are different kinds of flip flops, but I think that if you wear the cheap rubbery kind (like I do), they are fine. I do not find myself clenching my toes to keep them on. They stay on just fine from the friction between the rubber and the soles of my feet, and they are not oversized, so they really don't require work to keep them on. I wear them all the time, year-round.

For years, back in the 70's, I wore Dr. Scholl's wooden "exercise sandals". Now THOSE are different. You are constantly working your foot to keep them from falling off, which I guess was supposed to be the whole point. I would not wear those now. - Surviving

My birkenstocks make my back ache. Such hard work wearing them.