Heavvy Periods and POP


My cycle hasn't returned yet but I suspect it's just around the corner....with my first baby it was back round about weaning time and we're heading for five months post partum pretty soon.
I've had a chat with my GP (probably not very useful to start with) about my heavvy periods - I'm talking seven to eight days with the first three being very heavy flow and she suggested I go on the Mirena. I'm not keen to muck around with hormones OR shoving things inside when I feel fragile but am equally concerned that as a heavvy bleeder, my POP symptoms will be worse for the whole of my period...is this what I should expect? Anyone else out there with long heavvy periods who experiences worsening of pop symptoms for the entire time?

Thanks SH I suppose the first post partum period is bound to be a bit traumatic but it's good to know your second one has been more manageable - maybe a result of the work you are doing?
I've always felt that my bowel habits change during my period - normal I suppose- but I'm dreading any changes with a rectocele...