Abdominal ache


I have a new member and have a question. I found this site while in a panic from realizing that I have bladder prolapse. For months, I have been in tears every work day from sitting at the computer. After numerous dr's and tests, I still have no answer for the ache I feel around the bladder area and just a casual "probably tense muscles and stress, learn to relax". Chronic pelvis muscle syndrome.

I realized I was leaning toward the computer to see better and so I ended up reclining almost horizontal to keep from hurting but that hurt my chest hunching forward, and I think has increased my prolapse.

Is this aching part of the prolapse?

Can it be helped from the exercises and posture mentioned here? Where do I start? What do I need first?

The doctors have no answer for me and I am so tired of hurting!

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Sorry, I AM a new member.

Hi calligirl and welcome,
No, it is not unusual to have some aching or burning with prolapse. I had some initially as well, but with the whole woman work those symptoms went away. You will find with this work your body will change in these really positive ways as it molds into the whole woman posture.
Have a good look around this site to learn more about whole woman, and then head on over to the whole woman store where you will find all the great products to help you on your way.

I very rarely comment but I could not let your question go without giving you some support.
Eight years ago I was diagnosed with a bladder prolapse. My Doctor sent me to a physical therapist who specialized in prolapse teaching Kegel exercises. It didn't take me long to find out this type of exercise does not work. You mention that you have gone to Drs. and have had tests, so it safe to assume you do not have a disease and that is very good. You mention panic and that can cause tight muscles and do weird things to your body. You found a very good site "Saving the Whole Woman," and this is exactly what they do. I would recommend buying the book "Saving the Whole Woman" and the video," First Aid for Prolapse." This will get you started. The most important thing you can do is learn the Whole Woman Posture and be consistent. Consistency is most important when I am not I get in trouble but I know how to fix it thanks to Christine Kent. Most of all don't be frightened and don't panic. Prolapse is more common than you think and it can happen to women regardless of their age. You can manage this very successfully and Christine Kent is the best teacher you will ever need.

I can only say ' well said' and I totally agree that this is the right place to be for answers re prolapse and the book and video u mention have given me my life back for nearly three years now. It is sad that doctors have no useful answers for prolapse and even more worrying that some surgeons suggestions r high risk indeed.Calligirl keep reading here and learn the posture and why it works.Good luck.