Best Way to Enjoy Reading


Hi Folks.

I really like reading but am unsure what is a safe , comfy posture to do it in since the big comfy couch is out :)
Is it hard on our prolapsed vitals to sort of lie back at an incline propped up by two pillows lying on a bed?
Any other comfortable safe reading positions would be appreciated. It is very hard to sit up in posture on a backless chair or sitting on my feet for any length of time to read from a computer screen and how to do that with a book is unclear to me.

Thanks for your help.


Well.....this is just something each of us has to figure out. I personally do a certain amount of reading and iPad viewing in the position you are describing, in the evening before going to sleep. It's just what feels good to me at the end of a long day. Some support in the small of your back while doing this is a good idea. We compensate for a certain amount of this, by perfecting our posture so that when we're upright, the lumbar curve is in place and the organs are protected. During the day I would never slouch around like that (wouldn't have the opportunity, even if I wanted to!) so I allow myself a little bit of it before bedtime. When you are early on in this work, it's something to always be conscious of; as time goes by you will start to realize you don't need to obsess too much because your body knows what to do.

I'm speaking from the perspective of someone with cystocele/rectocele that is well-managed by years of posture work. Someone who is dealing with a profound uterine prolapse may advise you to be more careful of this. - Surviving

I usually sit up in a dinning room chair when I am reading the computer, or with lumbar support in other chairs. In bed, I lie on my side to read.

I switched from reading books to ebooks and audio books. Kindle is best to read. Usually read before bed time .....

Thank you to all the responses to my questions. It is awesome to have the support and wisdom of everyone here.