What is going on?


Could i have prolapse? What is going on with my body? I am a 43 year old woman who has had 3 children, regular cycles that I was grateful lasted only 3 days. For the last 5 years quite often I feel as though I have a uti (frequency, aching) but test results are negavtive. My gyn put me on macrobid to use after intercourse, but that did not help the bladder pressure symptoms

I was coming to terms that maybe this was just all part of getting older along with the 15 pound weight gain.
Last September and December I did not have a cycle at all. On February 17th I started a cycle and bled heavy for 40 days with both rectal and vaginal cramping. On the 24th day i went to the gyn who put me on 10days of premarin,did not examine me, did blood work to see if I am going into menopause. Nurse called 3 days later and said all blood work is normal not in menopause and said sometimes cycles get "crazy" when you are older.

So now for the last 12 days there is heavy clotting. Today I did gardening and the clotting seemed worse with bending/squatting. Oddly the clots , the best way i can describe it, feel like they come from labia more than the posterior of the vagina.

I am going to call the gyn tomorrow for an exam as this cant be normal. Or maybe I need to change drs. Should i maybe see a urologist/gyn? Should i requst an ultrasound or someother imaging?What tests should I ask for?

Hi MNcorgi. This forum is a community of women who are dealing with pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and/or hip pain - these conditions are the focus of the Whole Woman body of work. The situation you describe is a little beyond the scope of what we can help you with, but you may want to book a consult directly with Christine Kent, RN, founder and creator of the WW body of wotk. She herself experienced a major flood/purge of her uterus which proved quite beneficial to her body; but we can't know if what you are going through is similar. Here is one of her descriptions:


I would recommend you go through with booking a doctor appointment, as any unexplained bleeding needs looking into. Sorry not to be of more help. Others may have better suggestions....but we are not medical folks here (except for Christine of course). - Surviving