How exactly does this work?


I have been reading everything and anything. I am trying to understand how the prolapse works, to ease my mind. What I am afraid of is that the prolapse will always progress. I have a stage 2 Rectocele and I don't really understand how it works still. When you prolapse, does the degree happen in one instance, or has this gradually gotten worse until I finally noticed it. Do most people end up needing surgery? My gyn seemed really uninformed on the subject and I just want to understand so I can move on with my life. I noticed my prolapse 4 years after my last child was born. Seems like those with the best results are in a postpartum 2 year period. I guess my question is when the prolapse happened, did it happen all at once or is this a gradual event? This is really quite the thing to have to deal with.

Hi militarymom,
Women have had all these kinds of stories here on the forum. We have all found our prolapses in different ways, but the reasons are generally all the same.
Our pelvic organs are always on the move, but without actually working on posture and the whole woman work consistently, prolapse can worsen.
That's why it is so important to fully engage in Christine's work, to set yourself up for a continuing better future with prolapse not taking control of your life.
Can you tell us which of Christine's works you have settled on and how you are coming along with it?

No, most people do not end up needing surgery, though surgery continues to be promoted and performed widely on women. Whole Woman exists to keep women from going under the knife which invariably causes way more problems than it solves. A rectocele is quite managable and I urge you to get started. I think in the majority of cases, prolapse comes on gradually over time, due to bad posture and harmful forms of exercise and constipation and a bit of this and a bit of that......then one day something pushes it over the line to where it becomes symptomatic. - Surviving

Thanks for the understanding. I am trying to have hope, but everything I read says things will eventually need surgery. This scares me. I had really awful posture, plus did a lot of running, and had some substantial tears during childbirth. I am obsessively checking the bulge and get scared when it looks bigger. Then it goes back? This is so confusing to me. I am dong the WW posture, trying my best with the breathing but can't seem to breathe from my diaphragm unless I'm laying down, and strength training.

Hi Militarymom,
Christine's exercise routines really do help in relearning to breath more deeply into the belly. I remember when I first started out I felt so tight, but the routines as she has them set up with constant reminders on the breathing really help to stretch the muscles to get a fuller more expanded breath.
The daily practice with posture, jiggling, firebreathing, and ww exercises helped to get over that initial really heavy feeling within the first few months. After that, once my body actually started shaping more into the posture, it felt lighter and lighter down there. It does take time and dedication to the work to get there, but you can reap the benefits of this work too.