Postpartum uterine prolapse


I am currently 2 and a half weeks postpartum. I had a natural vaginal birth which went perfectly however then part of my placenta wouldn't detach and my uterus prolapsed while the midwife was trying to get it out. I ended up having surgery to remove the placenta and they managed to push my uterus back in its place. 3 days later I felt my cervix at the opening of my vagina and it gradually got worse despite bed rest and kegels. At its worst it was about a cm outside of my vaginal opening. Since then I have managed to pull it back up to about a grade 1 prolapse with kegels and bed rest, however yesterday it dropped down again to the vaginal opening. My midwife says it's normal for it to go up and down in postpartum recovery, but I am now so scared that I have not left the house since my son was born and I am lying down 95% if the time. How long will I need to lay down for and is it a good sign that I am able to pull it up and keep the cervix up for days at a time? Anyone else going through a similar situation? I am getting so depressed with not being able to walk around and leave the house.

Hi Whywhywhat - by now you have probably looked around the site a bit, and hopefully realized that ours is a postural approach to restoring pelvic organ support. You are extremely early post-partum and you need to be on your feet in correct posture. Quality rest is important, but lying down doesn't do anything to help, and reclining into soft furniture with a flattened lumbar curvature will just make things worse. As will kegels. Take a look at this, for starters, and feel free to come back with questions.

Post-partum prolapse is extremely common, and you can use the search box above left to locate some discussion threads involving the placenta. - Surviving

It's extremely challenging trying to do the posture while breastfeeding. Any advice on that?

Put a small firm cushion or other type of support behind the lower back, to minimize collapsing of the spine. Maybe some of our more recent moms can offer other suggestions. - Surviving

PS, here's a good thread: