Swimming Pool


I hope I am not being a pest with all my posts, if so, please let me know......
after walking in the WW posture I try to go in my pool. I live in Florida.
I find that just being in the pool up to my chest gives me some relief. Perhaps it is the bouncy, or the fact that I do not feel my prolapse when I am in there. Just silly me, trying to help.......


Being in the water can give a great relief from prolapse symptoms. As with lying down, the intraabdominal pressure is off the pelvic organs, so you wouldn't be feeling it as much.
It is when we are up and about in good whole woman posture that the intraabdominal pressure plays an important part in keeping our organs in place in the lower belly where they belong.

Thank you Aging gracefully. you help me so much. I love reading your posts.

I was just about to post about swimming, so I hope it is ok to add my thoughts here. I too have a pool, and aim to either swim each day, or cycle, depending on the weather.

The only stroke I can really do is breast stroke, and I just wondered what opinions were on whether this is a good stroke to do with prolapse or not?

Hello Love my dogs,
I am glad to hear you use a pool too. I have no idea if it is good or bad, but for me it is good because for a short time I have relief............I just walk in WW posture in the pool and sometimes I do some of the exercises from the video. I also love my
dogs too. they are both rescue dogs and now are 11 and 12....... I also try to do the standing on my toes.
thank you for any post in this......