Newbie - advice please

Hi There, I just found this website and am hoping you can offer me some reassurance and advice. I am 9 weeks postpartum following the birth of my first baby. The delivery was quite quick and she was a good sized baby for me. Everything down below is different now and I have felt a heaviness, need to urinate more frequently (small amounts) and having a bowel movement is difficult and often I need to support my perineum when I go. I was and still am absolutely terrified that it may be a cystocele and rectocele and so I have visited my GP (I live in the UK).

Jumping exercise portion - Goddess Belly program


I really like the Goddess Belly workout. However I have found that with the second set of jumping exercises, I feel uncomfortable - like my prolapse is shifting. Has anyone else experienced that?

Over it!!

I am really reaching the end of my tether with this constant discomfort. I have shed a lot of tears today I am just so angry, I realise this is counter-productive but I am just having one of those days. After the very traumatic birth of my beautiful baby girl in the UK 2 years ago I developed a stage 3 rectocele and a stage 2 uterine prolapse. A short time after the birth I was sent to a NHS physiotherapist due the 4th degree tear and subsequent repair. I was simply told to do 50 kegels a day and sent on my merry way so this is exactly what I did.

Welcome to Whole Woman Forum Page

Thank you Lanny and Christine for this intro to the forum. It is heartfully appreciated!!!

I am soooo glad I found Whole Woman

I was scheduled for a hysterectomy this week but canceled it when I found this website. I was diagnosed with a rectocele, level 2 prolapse, a fibroid, and a beginning cystocele. It is amazing that there were no symptoms, came home from the beach and whoa - guess what was bulging out. I started doing the exercises found on YouTube and ordered the beginners pack. I love it. I do find myself trying to go too fast through the book - wanting to correct everything right away.

Calling all Post-Partum Whole Women

We seem to get a majority of our newbie questions from pregnant and post-partum moms. We know this is a scary place to be, and we could use more help reaching out to them.

If you think you might be someone who has helpful Whole Woman experience to share, you are probably right! Consider paying a visit to our Forum from time to time, to follow the stories and help support these members. You won't be sorry.

Those of us who are grateful for what WW has given us, find this is a wonderful way to give back. The Forum belongs to all of us. Thanks. - Surviving

Lumbar pillow

Does anyone know where I can order a lumbar pillow like the ones used in the DVD? I've searched the store but don't see any for sale (tho admittedly I am not a real observant or tech savvy person).

Also, do you use this type if pillow when in the car?
Thank you Bb

not sure if this is the correct forum

Since having my colonoscope I'm having trouble opening the anal opening to allow the stool to come out, it seems it won't open properly, as if it is too tight just wondering if anyone else had this trouble, I have always had a bit of problem in this area with my rectocele but this is new, what next!!!!

sex with a cystocele

I have recently been told I have a cystocele. I was having a lot of bladder issues, it started as a UTI and then they thought I have Interstitial cystitis (which I do still believe I have a problem with) but then someone mentioned the cystocele. I have had 3 children and I can't believe that no one has mentioned this to me until now. I have been having stress incontinence for years, I just thought it was normal part of having kids. But this year I have been having a lot of burning after I urinate, bladder aches and back pain.

another Anal sex question


Hi out there I feel like this is the best place to ask my question. Sex has not been that fun since I prolapsed. One night we were fooling around and I put a condom on my husband and when it went back in it felt different, but so much better. I was and am weirded out about anal sex, but it is mostly the only thing that I enjoy now. Is that weird? Has anyone else experienced that? I also get nauseous afterwards sometimes. Thoughts?


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