ovary removal

Christine has commented a lot about hysterectomy and the effects of it on pelvic health and prolapse. Anyone know of any comments or research concerning just one ovary removed or removal of ovaries? I can't seem to find much in the search box.

Babywearing with a Rectocele

First of all, thank goodness there is this community! I had been feeling so alone and in pain. At least there is hope although I don't fully understand the posture but it seems like keeping your shoulders in line while having a soft tummy to keep the lumbar curvature in your back?!

I have a rectocele after my first baby after having a 3rd degree tear. I also have a large pooched tummy which might be diastasis recti and gnarly hemorrhoids. Hooray childbirth!

Just found out I'm pregnant

I have stage two prolapse and now I am pregnant I'm so screwed! Since the minute I found out I'm been crying im so scared it might be worsen and I don't even know what kind of exercise I can do when I'm prego

Success story

I feel moved to post a link here in the Success forum, to Wise Owl's first comment after 10 months of doing the WW work. A woman after my own heart. She came here in the same state of panic that we all know. She recognized this as the first and safest thing to try, and threw herself into the work. Though it may be a leap of faith at the outset, the truth of Christine's work becomes self-evident to anyone who jumps in with all cylinders firing. So here's to you, Wise Owl that you are! - Surviving

Can someone help me with pelvic rocks..


Hi so I'm doing pelvic rocks and im rocking back and forth with my head straight and shoulders down.. So when I rock do I squeeze my pelvic floor or just let it do its job? I also have a breathing problem too as I know u have to relax your tummy and breath



I feel like i am making progress with standing posture and feel some improvements. However I have not found a good way to sit comfortably. Sitting "Indian" style or legs under bum is not an option for me at this time. (Hopefully one day) It is hard for me to sit on hard surfaces for very long and soft as well. It is good in a way because it keeps me moving, but sometimes I just need to sit and rest, rather than having to lie down. Any ideas?

I think I'm doing my prolapse exercise wrong if anyone can help me out please.

Hi everyone I'm new at this but I am 31 I got my prolapse after I cough so much and carry loads I want to change my life around I was threaten to be operated on ... I haven ate for days I haven't slept much and didn't even have my mind with me until someone show me this website and said a lot of people in here is good and might help me with my prolapse. Thanks in advance ! I'm currently trying to lose weight and doing kegels and fix my posture but when I do my kegels I feel like I'm doing it wrong! I feel that it bulges out Abit if I leave it alone by when I work at it then it's gone.

pushing prolaspe up with fingers

Do anyone gently push their bladder prolaspe back up? When I take my shower at night, I push my bladder up. Will this do any harm or good? I don't want to rip the bladder. How strong is the bladder? I'm new to this site and recently cancelled my surgery. My primary doctor strongly suggested I not have surgery. She has a prolaspe so she can relate. Thanks for answering this embarrassing question.

use of pessary when suffering from interstitial cystitis

can anyone who has a prolapse and also interstitial cystitis comment on their use of a pessary? do you get flare ups?

Rolfing for postural support


I'm having trouble with relaxing my abdomen. I saw on another thread that Christine hypothesised we prolapse ladies had a tight and twisted fascia under our post-childbearing tums! I wondered if anyone had had success with Rolfing as a means of better getting into posture, or for general prolapse support? I know it's supposed to free habitually-acquired tensions and distortions in the fascia.


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