new to the forum and have questions

Hello all. I was referred to this website by my midwife. I am 35 yo and 22 weeks pregnant and have been at a stage 3 uterine prolapse for about 10 years since the birth of my son in 2000. My cervix sticks out of my vagina a whole inch, maybe more! It's been pulled back up into the vagina at this point because of the pregnancy, but it's still right there just a little above the opening. I also have a daughter who is 12, but I didn't notice any prolapse after having her. A little more history might help, so here goes...


I've recently added a post regarding prolapse but I've put it in PELVIC HEALTH section. Please read it as I would be very interested in reading about others stories. Thank you.


I was in such pain I went to Accident and Emergency. I'd had the pain for about a week. I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and was beginning to think somehow my symptoms had changed and that was the cause of the pain. It started like a mild period pain and gradually grew worse until it felt like I was in labour. I haven't had a period for five years.

Cystocele and urgency to urinate

Hello ladies,

First of all I want to say that I am so glad I found this forum!

I am 30 years old and self diagnosed myself with cystocele at 1 week pp, then at 2 weeks pp my suspicion was confirmed (moderate or grade 2 cystocele):(

Question about splinting

I can't help but put a *TMI* warning here, even though I know everyone here can handle it :)

I came to this forum a while ago - maybe last year? - and haven't spent as much time on the computer since, so you probably don't remember me. A re-introduction: I've had two kids, the first vaginal birth was very fast with an episiotomy that extended to a 3rd degree tear. After baby #2, I was diagnosed with a cystocele. About a year later, a new doctor confirmed the rectocele I knew I had, due to very slight bowel incontinence/soiling issues.

It's 'fess up time

Hi Christine

I have been rabbiting on for years about how you don't think bellydance is very good for prolapse. I think our recent emails have clarified that you never said that. I don't know where I got that idea from. I am sorry if I have misled anyone.

Granolamom, How Are You Doing?

I would like to hear something about you. I saw in an other thread that you are in the third trimester already? Tell us something about your birth plans (if you want of course)! How are your POP's behaving?


Well, I've been to the Uro-gynecologist again. He wrote me a referral for a local PT clinic that helps people with incontinence. I'm thinking about calling them up. Apparently, it is a non-invasive approach centered on strengthening muscles. The doctor's patients have reported a high rate of satisfaction/improvement from the clinic.

"Saggy" feeling after period?

Hello lovely ladies!

I have been doing really well lately, but after my period last week I have been feeling a bit "saggy," which I hadn't felt in quite awhile. I have had 2 periods and I might have felt this way after the other one but I just don't remember. Many women have posted feeling worse before and during their cycle, but does anyone else get this AFTER a period?

I'm just curious because I'd been feeling so good and I want to know this droopy feeling will be over soon! Thoughts?


Hi all

I'm just wondering about acupuncture and its benefits for POP.

Firstly, do you see an acupuncturist who specialises in women's issues? Do the acupuncturists tend to know what proplapse is?

Secondly, are you getting acupuncture specifically for POP or for other related issues (eg. inflammation, female cycles, etc)?

Thirdly, does the acupuncturist always prescribe Chinese herbs as accompanying remedy?


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