
hi all,
i know a few people mentioned psyllium, but wondering how mucb you take and what happens if you stop?
friend recommended a clay you drink to help deal with my ongoing yeast issues, but it constipates so she recommended psyllium to go with it. wondering how much to take, and also if i stop will that lead to constipation (if i stop the clay too)?

sharing the news : )

we've got another baby on the way!
I'm estimating I'm somewhere about ten weeks and thus far the prolapse is behaving even though my diet is awful these days.
only problem I'm having is finding a good position for vomiting. seems to put so much pressure on the bladder, and if I find a good position for the bladder :::tmi alert::: the vomit gets stuck on its way up & out and that is just horrible.
I guess I just have to hang in there, hopefully the morning sickness (all day sickness!) will pass soon, unless anyone has any prolapse friendly vomiting tips.

I need a hysterectomy? NOT!!

Hi all,

I'm new here and am just thrilled to have found you all!

I'm 42 years old and have 3 kids-my youngest is 8 years old. They were all delivered vaginally and all were approx. 9 lbs. At 5'10/170 I am well designed to carry big babies, so they were not abnormally disproportionate for my body type. I developed my prolapse initially right after childbirth, but my dr. at the time told me it would probably get better with time which it did. I forgot all about it. But last week it came back.

My prolapse seems very minor compared to what I would think would require radical surgery:

Advice on managing acute episodes/Rectocele & lower back pain

Hello all, I'm new here, and this may not be the right forum --- I'm only 5 days into a specific diagnosis of degree 2 rectocele, no other prolapses. I'm 44, overweight, with 12 and 9yo daughters. Though my youngest's delivery was traumatic, and I never really got pelvic tone back --- the cavernous/no leverage/minimal sensation feeling during sex, and routine pelvics where my gp complained of very saggy vaginal walls collapsing and obstructing her in finding IUD strings --- these pelvic issues never seemed acute before.

New questions/input

Hi all.

Painful sex

My rectocele has pretty well disappeared. My labial lis are almost closed these days and it looks as if it's business as usual. But it ain't. I attempted to have sex today but it was too painful to even contemplate. Please excuse me posting the gruesome details but just maybe someone has had a similar experience.

Vaginal sex with my partner in front of me is excrutiatingly painful when my partner withdraws. He feels like he is scaping against raw flesh.

Vaginal sex with my partner behind me is painless and just fine so I guess the problem is not in my vagina.


Rummaging around on the Internet for more info. on pessary use, I was shocked at the number of sites apparently offering alternative treatments to hysterectomy - only the choice was simply surgery with or without! I was glad to find the study below, which recorded appreciable though limited benefits from pessaries and offered the following conclusion:

TENS--Any success with this?

Has anyone had any success with using a TENS machine? I haven't yet gotten my book, so I don't know if its discussed in there.

A friend of mine in the UK suggested this machine to me:|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50

Kegelmaster and Rectocele

Me and my rectocele issue again. I mentioned awhile back that doing Kegels seems to have upset or aggravated my rectocele. Now I am wondering and wandering down a different path. I used to religiously use the Kegelmaster pre-prolapse so am aware that Kegels cannot stop a prolapse from occuring, but stopped using the KM when I read a few not-so-positive posts about its usage on these pages. I decided to go back to simple Kegels with no help from anything mechanic. My rectocele has definitely become bulgier and now I seem to be developing a cystocele.

prolapse and kidney function

I have read about half of Christine's book and saw an item about kidney function. I just learned a couple of weeks ago that I have prolapse, and probably with rectal and bladder involvement. I ordered Christine's book and definitely have prolapse symptoms but they have not been confirmed by a gynecologist. Now, I am having loss of kidney function, I assume due to uterus blocking my tubing from kidneys. I have made a call to a gynecologist, but I know that will mean surgery. I am not feeling great - having back pain and nausea from my kidneys backing up.


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