Need advices!

Recently I have got the itchiness with long-lasting sharp pain the skin surrounding the anus. Sometimes it's bleeding during bowel movements. I got a physical exam and was diagnosed it's an anal fissure. I tried taking stool softeners to make bowel movements less painful. Take a sitz bath as well. The pain is relieved a little now. But it's still there. How can I get rid of it completely?

Saving the Post-Hysterectomy Woman online video course

Hi all,

We have just re-released Christine's Saving the Post-Hysterectomy Woman online video course. We have completely redone the program and we believe it to be the most useful help for the woman who is suffering with the aftermath of hysterectomy surgery, even if the operation was done decades ago and the problems are just now surfacing.

If you or someone you love is dealing with post-hysterectomy problems, I hope you will take a serious look at this course.

Sorry another posture question!!


When you lift your chest, how strong is the lift? Is it to full extension or just a gentle lift. Full extension feels like it has the most effect but is obviously very hard to hold and I'm worried I might hurt myself!! I am quite strong naturally and tend to overdo things so just wanted a bit of a guide!

Thanks in advance (again!)


I seem to remember that Christine doesn't advocate doing I right? And why? thanks.

Walking, moving legs from back to front



I have been on here nearly three years and my posture is almost there and automatic for nearly everything EXCEPT I have never been able to walk correctly in posture (not for lack of trying). I have had some big insights lately and been able to understand what I see in the WW work and what I see in my kids and link it to what my body is doing (I am quite visual in all this). I had to get my weight further forward and many other things - there was a lot of tweaking required.

Help with cystocele self-diagnosis?

I'm in my mid 20s, healthy, eat well, into exercise, no kids... but was suffering from feelings of needing to urinate often (this has always been a bit of an issue for me but more aggravated this year), and of general 'heaviness'/something not quite right down there. ANYWAY, I discovered that prolapse can happen - it wasn't even on my radar! - so decided to do some looking into symptoms and eventually did a self exam - basically, feeling inside myself. To my horror, there seems to be a long, firmish bulge from start of vaginal entrance going up front wall.

Best Way to Enjoy Reading


Hi Folks.

I really like reading but am unsure what is a safe , comfy posture to do it in since the big comfy couch is out :)
Is it hard on our prolapsed vitals to sort of lie back at an incline propped up by two pillows lying on a bed?
Any other comfortable safe reading positions would be appreciated. It is very hard to sit up in posture on a backless chair or sitting on my feet for any length of time to read from a computer screen and how to do that with a book is unclear to me.

Thanks for your help.


First of all, thank you for the welcome. I am not panicking over the prolapse, thanks to the kindness I found here....well, not much!

I posted a couple of weeks ago about my pelvic pain. I had my OB/GYN appt. last Thursday, the dr that I last saw when I was pregnant with my daughter (who turned 18,lol). I had the impression he was a forward thinking dr. Guess not.

He did a thorough exam, speculum, hand, ultrasound and whatever else he could find to use. He kept asking if that was the pain I felt and it wasn't.

Where Should I Start?

I'm new here and not really sure where I should start. Is there information on the posture that I can start doing now or do I need to get my starter pack to get that information first? I've been reading through a lot of the forum information and get little snips here and there, but no real directions. I did watch the short "new kegel" video and have been doing those, but I'm not sure how long or how often I should be doing them.

Canadian Practitioners?

Could anyone tell me if the are currently any Canadian based WholeWoman Practitioners?
Thank you.


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