Success now setback with cystocele :(

Hi all! So just a update I prolapsed (2nd degree) Rectocele & Cystocle two weeks after the birth of my son. I started slowly walking & moving in WW posture, plus doing fire breathing. By 10 weeks I was feeling pretty asymptomatic as long as I stayed in posture!!! Unfortunately my son's acid reflux has become very severe and the last couple days attending to his painful spit ups & crying I completely threw posture out the window. I did so many dumb moves, well now my cystocle is really bulged again:( Its uncomfortable & pushing on my urethral area.

Question about polyp - looking for others that may have had similar situation

I read with great hope about how a polyp came out after many sitz salt baths. Are you still out there and can tell me any more details?

I am wondering it that person or anyone else could speak with me about the situation. I have a polyp that is coming out of the V and the gyno wanted me to go to surgery right away. I could not go due to childcare then the next one was cancelled and another is scheduled for a few weeks away. The polyp was blocking so that gynecologist could not get into see properly. It seems bigger now (3 weeks have passed) or maybe it is trying to come out.

some thoughts and questions

Hello again ladies,

I have some more thoughts and musings...

Wanting to normalize my BMs

Hi all,

Abdominal ache

I have a new member and have a question. I found this site while in a panic from realizing that I have bladder prolapse. For months, I have been in tears every work day from sitting at the computer. After numerous dr's and tests, I still have no answer for the ache I feel around the bladder area and just a casual "probably tense muscles and stress, learn to relax". Chronic pelvis muscle syndrome.

Have I done myself a disservice?!!


Hello ladies.


I just got home from seeing a specialist. She determined I have a stage 3 recto and stage 2 cyclo and uterine prolapse. The trifecta! Lucky me. Interestingly, she tested my pelvic floor and said it was very strong and didn't think kegels with a PT would benefit me much. I found that fascinating as most of us are told the reason we prolapse is because of our weak pelvic floor. The dr talked about a pessary and surgery (she says I would be a good candidate for hysterectomy) with a 70 percent success rate. THANK GOODNESS for WW and the wisdom shared here.

Atrophy of Vagina

It is the consensus of the Obstetrics & Gynecology community that hormone prescription creams are the only successful remedy for Atrophy of Vagina. Is there a particular non hormone formula for this condition?
I reviewed the Whole Woman Way to Vulva Vaginal Health and although very informative need a better understanding if there is a non hormonal remedy for this particular condition. Appreciate information on this matter. NFP

Which path to take!?!? Overwhelmed by the choices...

Hi Everyone! I hope ya'll can offer me some personal experiences to help direct me on a path to recovery. Here is my story... sorry it's a bit long - I hope you can stick with me.

10w pp with my first, I felt a bulge "down there" and upon inspection, discovered what I self diagnosed to be stage 1-2 rectocele. Now I can't remember exactly when I stopped having symptoms, just that I was "ready" to try for another baby at 9mo pp, and I KNOW I wouldn't have been ready if I was still experiencing symptoms, so it must have lasted anywhere from 3-6 months.

Weightlifting with rectocele


Does anyone have any experience of managing a large rectocele and still weightlifting


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