When putting on the panty girdle (with the pantyliner), lean forward and make sure any protrusion is pushed gently back inside before putting on the elastic thong on the OUTSIDE OF THE PANTY GIRDLE. You may even want to try laying down to put these on if the prolapse is bad. I must apologize and state that if you are extremely overweight this may need your own adjustment - in that case buy one in a large and insert and sew extensions in either side, or in the front to widen the thong. Don't wear anything too tight or you won't be comfortable and stay with it, remember you want to pull up not squeeze the dickens out of your midriff.


I just want to pass on a TERRITIC IDEA that takes the prolapse bulge out of your life by taking it and keeping everything uptight and out of sight. The secret is to wear a panty girdle "Nancy Ganz" is a good one, with the little gathering up the middle of the bum.
Then GET AN ELASTIC THONG GIRDLE (Walmart has them,Sears, the Bay) in your size and PULL THE THONG OVER THE PANTY GIRDLE. THE THONG PART IN THE CROTCH AREA WILL SUPPORT THE PERINIUM WALL (crotch) and will not allow any bulging to distend outside the body. WEAR A PANTY LINER INSIDE THE PANTYGIRDLE, IT CUSHIONS THE THIN ELASTICE THONG PORTION IN THE CROTCH AREA AND KEEPS PRESSURE UPWARD WITHOUT IRRATATION. You can adjust the thong and if your' more comfortable and have a belly you can fold the thong down in the front and either sew it or pin it so that it cradles your belly underneath. This is good if you are on the heavy side or pregnant or just had a great big dinner. You will find you will not suffer stress incontinence at all. Holding up the perenium wall is a good thing in athletic women so this works well if you run or jog.

Physical Therapist

I see that many of you posting here talk about physical therapy. Is it a special kind of physical therapist? How do I find one qualified to help with a rectocele and cystocele? What kind of help does a physical therapist provide for this kind of condition? I guess I just can't envision what therapy for this would be like. I'd love to hear more about your personal experiences with physical therapy for prolapse.


Living Well with Prolapse

I have not posted for a long time. I found this site three years ago. You can search my name to read all about my experience of discovering prolapse after my second birth and going through a third pregnancy with prolapse. Part of the reason I have not posted is because I do not even notice my prolapse so I totally forget about checking here (a good thing to be so well that I am to engage my super busy lifestyle with no hinderance from this benign condition).

Christine's work saved me from surgery: cesearean section and pelvic surgery. I am so grateful for this work. I sit a lot on the floor b/c it is much easier to be in the posture and so much more comfortable than furniture. At work I tilt the front of my seat forward and do not even use the back rest. I have been increasing the nuts in my diet which has really caused the rectocele (the more troublesome of the three prolapses for me)to be no trouble.


Hi All,

You will find the prolapse self exam in the RESOURCES link on the home page under Articles. This is the first of its kind and I hope that it is instructive and useful.


p.s. Sue...I'm so hoping you're not still having trouble downloading pdfs. If so I'll email you a copy!

hello, opposite ideas to overcome

Hi! Some of your info is so opposite from what I have learned along the way! (1) I remember being told during excersize classes and pregnancy classes to do "the pelvic tilt" in other words, just the opposite of your postures, making the back flat. (2) I do a lot of hard physical labor, and I usually keep my stomach hard during it, (a la pilates) to protect my back. Keeping my stomach hard is a habit for me, and I wonder how I'm going to do all my work without hurting my back if I keep my stomach loose.

Its been 2 days since first viewing your posture info, and I must say that sticking out my bust and butt and straighening out my feet feel good. Intuitively, what you are teaching feels right to me. It won't be the first time for my tightly held beliefs have been turned on thier heads. Your breathing and postures do agree with what I learned in singing class long ago, which is interesting.

Acupressure for constipation

Has anyone ever tried acupressure? I've been having more and more trouble with constipation lately- despite lots of fiber and water- and finally got a book on acupressure this week and tried pressing some of the recommended points for relieving constipation, and everything's started moving better. I've lost 3 lbs in the past 3 days, just from my guts moving more, I think, since I've been eating the same. And I've only had to splint once.

This is very interesting...

I'm new here and was contemplating surgery for three prolapses

I just found this site the other day and am so-o-o glad to have this kind of alternative information. I'm 60 years old and was told I had a cystocele and rectolele and prolaped uterus about two years ago (although I think this has been gradually happening since the birth of my second son 18 years ago). The cystocele is the most difficult for me. I find the outside bulging from the dropped bladder very irritating and it keeps me from being as active as I'd like to be. I do not want to have surgery but I've been using a ring pessary for 1 1/2 years and although it helps, it does keep slipping around and up behind the bladder. I'm adjusting this thing dozens of times a day. It had got to the point that I was going to go the gynie and talk again about the surgery. Now I've ordered the video and am hoping to get this posture thing going but I have a couple of questions. Do you think it might help the pessary stay in the right position? How do you sit when working at a computer (which I do for several hours a day). And is there any hope that the posture might reverse the bladder protrusion? I only wish that I'd found out about this a few years ago when these celes were still higher up so it could have been arrested then. Anyway, I'm glad to be able to talk to someone about this. Nobody I know is in the shape that I am.


Hi All

Were do i begin, mum of 4 aged between 23-9, diagnosed with Seperation of the pubis in 1990 & 93, had 2 c-sections, the past 3 years have been hell, with recurrant UTis and kidney pain, back and forth to a urologist had various tests and cystoscopys-stretches -only just 2 months ago been refered to a Gyne ( crazy eh) well now they claim i have a Barts cyst left side of my vigina and also a few urethral cysts, i have just had 3 courses of A/bs for a nasty e-coli infec that loves me soo much it wont leave!!! I am due to se the gyne 26th jan with view to surgery!!! apparently gyne doing one cyst and urologist doing others during same Op HELP lol

Help, I'm pregnant!


I am a 28 year old mother of 2. Both of our girls were born vaginally, one at 31 weeks (3.5lbs, 21 hour unstoppable labor) and the other at 36 weeks (6lbs, 1 hour labor..VERY intense). I had a Mcdonald cerclage at 28.5 weeks with our second baby. I have also had 2 late first trimester miscarriages. I have been diagnosed with PCOS as well. Two years ago I was diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse. The rectocele causes me the most trouble, I have a small cystocele and my cervix at times is about 1.5 inches from exiting my vagina. I am currently about 9.5 weeks pregnant!! Very excited about the baby and very terrified of this pregnancy. Last time I was on bed rest for 2 months (not sure if it did any good) I was in labor much of the time from 24 weeks to 36 weeks when she was born. Now I am concerned that the prolapse will make this pregnancy more difficult. Am I right? None of the doctors thus far seem to be concerned. I get conflicting advice from every doctor I have seen. I have not been diagosed with incompetent cervix since I labor with dialation. At this time I am still unsure how I developed the prolapse after the last birth (I COMPLAINED of pain that woke me up at night deep within my lower pelvis and NOT ONE doctor could tell me why until a year later the rectocele looked like I was giving birth to my own vagina). I have also been unable to lose weight since my last pregnancy (they say it's the pcos). I know that isn't helping since I am just over 5 feet and weigh 205. I honestly don't know where to start to help change my situation and promote a healthy pregnancy.


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