2017 Whole Woman Conference

Hello Everyone,
Just a quick shout out that we would love to see you at the 2017 Whole Woman Conference in Albuquerque,NM , August 11 -August 13. Details on Whole Woman homepage.

lowback pain after insertion of gelhorn pessary

Summarized exercise list or video


Hello Christine, I am new to the WW path, diagnosed with Cyctocele and started to practice the posture and exercises. The body tells me that it has a lot of sense (i am listening to my body usually more than to my mind... :-) ) My only issue is to remember the line of exercises that i do in the morning in an effective way. I am looking if there is any way to watch them one by one, without the explanations (which are important by itself) so I can be effective in the 10-20 min morning exercises.

Sex after prolapse operation

It has been 4months since my prolapse operation and I recovered very well. I am back to normal with all aspects of my life previous to suffering a prolapse. 4 months post op,having sex with my husband was resumed (I am 71 years of age).. The reason I would like to ask the forum do repairs during the operation affect the clitoris, have many ladies have not had fulfilling sex like they did before the op. I have read a few medical notes regarding this question but would like patient's comments.

Hello! Looking for advice.

Hi so today I was diagnosed with mild to moderate cystocele and rectocele. She didn't give me a "degree" so I don't know what I am. She just said milk to moderate. Which I already knew since I've been having to splint to have a bowel movement. I don't have incontinence but I'm on medication that is irritating to the bladder and was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis years ago and it flares off and on anyway.
So basically what my doctor told me is to do kegels and pelvis tilts. But this website goes against that. I've found conflicting advice online.

Valentines Day Sale

Hi all,

Until midnight February 14th, take 20% off everything in the Whole Woman Catalogue.

  • Books, videos, and DVDs
  • Online courses and bundles
  • Consultations, Classes and even the Whole Woman Conference

At the Whole Woman Store just enter VDAYSALE in the promotion code box on checkout.

For the Whole Woman Online Video Course and Bundle Platform use the same code when asked if you have a coupon code.

21 years old, rectocele? Help!

Hi,I'm 21 years old and have been having very odd symptoms that seem to al point to me having a rectocele. Otherwise healthy and In pretty good shape I'm at a loss and doctors are dismissing me left and right because of my age. It started with urinary issues, which began after a week of terrible constipation. I thought I had a uti but I didn't, days went on and the bladder pain came and went m. I continued to be constipated but didn't think much of it as I was more concerned with my bladder issues.

Rectocele success, but new problem :(

Hello ladies,
I have been plugging along with posture etc. Managing my cystocele/rectocele (the worst)/prob uterine prolapse. Having mostly good/minimal symptom days, more bulging around my cycle etc.
After 4 years now, I swear my rectocele is gone!!. I am sure I get bulging right before BM, and my back wall is soft, but NO MORE pressure, stuck weirdness, heaviness, incomplete emptying etc. The only thing

Prolapse or Severe Dryness

I am new hear and have searched relentlessly for clarity on this and I am still very confused. I apologize if this has been discussed somewhere (i can't find it) and hope it is ok to post it here. Here is my story:

Sitting Cross Legged


I am afraid I have become rather inflexible in recent (and maybe not so recent) years, and find sitting crossed legs very difficult. What are the best exercises to do to help this?

I just today started doing the exercises in First Aid for Prolapse, and believe the hip exercises in that may be the way to go, but anything else I can do to speed things up a bit?


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