Living Well with Prolapse


I have not posted for a long time. I found this site three years ago. You can search my name to read all about my experience of discovering prolapse after my second birth and going through a third pregnancy with prolapse. Part of the reason I have not posted is because I do not even notice my prolapse so I totally forget about checking here (a good thing to be so well that I am to engage my super busy lifestyle with no hinderance from this benign condition).

Christine's work saved me from surgery: cesearean section and pelvic surgery. I am so grateful for this work. I sit a lot on the floor b/c it is much easier to be in the posture and so much more comfortable than furniture. At work I tilt the front of my seat forward and do not even use the back rest. I have been increasing the nuts in my diet which has really caused the rectocele (the more troublesome of the three prolapses for me)to be no trouble.

I am so excited about Christine's new book and encouraged that doctors are finally listening. Perhaps in the future prolapse will be eradicated through our lifestyle changes as the medical community stops turning to the scalple to correct a structural problem.

Blessings to you all and keep doing the work. Make time to care for your body b/c it's the only one you have. :)

That is so fabulous and encouraging. Just for my own understanding, to what degree had you prolapsed? Can you still see the bulges? I just had my 3rd baby 6 weeks ago and have now discovered 2 prolapses (cystocele and rectocele)and am wanting another child within the next couple of years, so your post gives me hope. Thanks.

also want to add a huge thank you for this, full of grace. there seem to be a number of us here who are newly diagnosed and to get this post from someone with your vantage point...i am going to think about it always and focus on the same outcome for myself. it makes me actually feel happy and confident that this will all, ultimately, be just fine.

you have made my day.

thank you.


so good to hear from you, and that you are doing so well. I have gained so much from your posts - information, support and inspiration. In fact, your recount of pg and birth with prolapse was so inspiring, it was definitely part of our decision to go ahead with number four.

be well, Jane

blessings to you too : )

I'm glad to be an encourager and to have helped to bring another person into the world. grin. My cervix never protruded, but I still have bulges from the cystocele and rectocele, but I do not notice them and thank God, I haven't looked at them for a long long time. When I first discovered prolapse, I obsessed over the looks of it. It only served to make me feel depressed and shake my faith that I could ever live normally again. I now live without an awareness of prolapse, except that I hold my body in better alignment (which has stopped me from having to go to the chiropractor, too.--so yet another benefit to the posture.) Jane