What Works for Healing A Prolapse and What Compounds the Problem


The first thing you need to do is to get everything back inside, you can't renew tissue and expect to heal if it's actually pulling and falling. See yesterday's "UNDERWEAR FOR PROLAPSED ANYTHING".

l. Don't overeat. Not just because overeating leads to being overweight but it also presses down on the reproductive system from the inside. You'll notice that a prolapse is the worst after a big evening meal. Remember too overeating puts fat around internal organs not just on your thighs. You don't need any more fat around already stressed week tendons and muscle.
2. Don't push yourself physically to the point of fatigue, either through exercise or physical work, if you can help it. If you are exhausted the prolapse will be worse. It is almost like a thermometer for weakness and feeling tired.

3. Get your thyroid checked. An underactive thyroid deprives muscles of certain chemicals they need to contract and it contributes to a worsening of the problem. Thyroid often goes awry after childbirth when the endrocine system is getting back in balance. Thyroid hormone should be checked approximately eighteen months after childbirth. This seems to be, according my endrocinologist, the magic number of months it takes for the body's endrocine system to stabilize after a baby.

4. Take stock of your eating habits. A prolapse isn't a disease, it is damaged tissue and you need protein to heal. A good protein supplement, wouldn't hurt. I don't need to go into the vegetable and fruit thing I think everybody knows that "ad nausea" but here are some things that you may not have heard.

MSM, Glucosamine and Condroitin helps heal, yes the very supplements that help tendons and joints repair, will help tendons and tissue in the reproductive area.

5. Homeopathic supplements for prolapse (the little white pills for under the tongue) Don't take near a coffee drink or mint toothpaste - it interferes with absorption.

In Canada they cost about 8 dollars for each bottle. You tip them upside down and twist them and the little pills will drop into the lid where you can count them. Take five, three times a day. Pull the lid off while the bottle is tipped upside down (the other pills will not fall out the bottle is made to be used this way) and dump them under the tongue. Don't handle them with your hands. Even the most minute amount of persperation from your fingers will interfere with the medicine.

6. Exercise. Whatever works, but I wouldn't recommend jumping up and down, for obvious reasons. Walking can be just as effective for stamina and energy, or an Eliptical Bike or just a plain bikecycle.

7. Kaegles (sp?) 100 a day, or more. Best before getting out of bed or while reclining when everything is still in place.

8. Vitamin supplements, A vitamine packet called "Fresh Start" is terrific and yes there are a handful of pills to take but they work wonderfully. Taken before bed they help you sleep like you wouldn't believe. Royal Jelly, Gensing and Green Drinks are all good choices, for energy and healing.

9. LOOSE WEIGHT. I've talked to many women about this and being overweight makes this problem much much worse. Fat in the lower abdominal area isn't just on the outside. Fat collects all around organs as well. More weight means more "pressing down". My mother lost 20 pounds and that by itself dissipated the bulge from a cystocele.

10. DON'T ACCEPT THIS, it isn't normal. This is damage, whether it is because the male species decided it would be a great idea for us to give birth "uphill" and have to push so hard we end up splitting the perenium wall and blood vessels in our head. (which is what it feels like.) or because we have damaged the pubocervical facis (the casing between the bladder and the outside vaginal wall) or just an inherent weakness in that area, or the damn rush doctors are often in (cutting the perenium while we give birth) Whatever the reason, this is NOT normal. I don't believe in surgery for all of us, but there are cases where, and I'm thinking specifically of my best friend who was literally sitting on her bladder. She had the surgery and she's been fine ever since and it's been over a decade. Her Doctor/Surgeon was a woman who I believe knows what she's doing and is motivated by the very fact she is a woman and has the same apparatus. Maybe surgery would work much more often if the surgeons were women like ourselves. I mean really, why would a man want to do this for a living except for profit. Most men don't have a bloody clue how our body works, regardless of the fact that they are doctors, I'd be willing to bet they pick this professional specialty for profit only. That doesn't bode well for advancement in this area at all I mean if they finally figured out what the hell is going wrong and why 50% of us suffer with this - they wouldn't make any money would they, because we wouldn't have this problem. Anyway enough said.

Hi Sheda,

Let’s go through your post step by step.

• Don’t overeat. This is a truism in general but a very complex subject that needs to be considered from a perspective of psychological, cultural, and physical wellness. American (and I presume Canadian) girls and women are vulnerable to severe psychological distress as they find themselves trapped between an obese society on one hand and a culture that idealizes anorexic female forms and frenetic exercise on the other. Eating disorders, drug addiction, and injured self esteem are just some of the issues women struggle with in trying to live up to some idealized notion of body image. Weight loss can indeed be beneficial for living well with prolapse, but your reasons are simplistic and not altogether true. Rapid weight loss has also been known to make a prolapse worse because that very fat around the rectum supports it and the vagina in their proper positions: “Contrary to popular belief, the iliococcygeus is often convex in shape rather than concave. This is the result of pressure from fat within the ischiorectal fossa pushing on the soft belly of the muscle. This pressure, which is directed upward and medially, is developed when force is applied to the ischiorectal fat from below, when sitting or reclining. When a loss of ischiorectal fat occurs as a result of massive weight reduction, the under support of the pelvic diaphragm is decreased, thus predisposing toward sagging of the levator muscle, tipping of the levator plate, and subsequent genital prolapse.” (Nichols and Randall – Vaginal Surgery 1989). My prolapse is not worse after my evening meal.

• Don’t push yourself physically. This is another general truism, but meaningless without an understanding of how best to utilize the body while working and exercising. Knowing how to hold and properly carry the body can help us through those last hours of work. Listening to our body is moment-to-moment, day-by-day mindfulness training.

• Thyroid disorders are rampant within the same populations that have grown up cooking with refined fat and sugar. It takes 30 ears of corn to make the amount of oil needed to fry an average serving of French fries and two pounds of beets to sweeten a piece of pie and a soft drink. Less than 10% of our daily caloric intake needs to come from high-quality fat to meet our essential fatty acid requirement – essential to balancing our endocrine system. However, 40% of the standard American diet is composed of fats, and those are usually of very low quality. High fat diets speed growth, sexual maturity, aging and disease – excess protein and carbohydrate are stored in the body as fat. Much of the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, African, Asian, and Meso-American cultures had easy access, or traded, for seafood – including sea plants rich in iodine. Supporting preservation of the world’s oceans may be as important as “getting your thyroid checked.”

• Protein to heal. This is a medical/pharmaceutical/agricultural myth that has been disputed by rigorous long-term scientific inquiry with studies like the China Health Project. Human breast milk contains 5% protein. Human minimum protein requirement is 5% of total calories. The current US Recommended Daily Allowance for adult protein intake is 10% of total calories. Our bodies are breaking down and healing all the time and for maximum healing we need vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, iron, magnesium, zinc, and the omega fatty acids.

• Homeopathy has been proven to have no foundation in truth. Scientific studies were carried out here in the Southwest by alternative practitioners who actually believed initially in its properties. Their rigorous studies were published in the journal Alternative Therapies and I apologize for not having the citation.

Good luck and thanks for sharing.


May I ask where you 'got akll your knowledge'

Cos this one....
7. Kaegles (sp?) 100 a day, or more. Best before getting out of bed or while reclining when everything is still in place.

Stumps me - As we have proven on this site that Kegels only work minimally - I know this cos I did hundreds a day and made my prolapse worse - I brought that number down to about ten a day and wahey - I am better again. kegels are not the be all and end all of prolapse.

Overeating is an obvious one - We all know fat is bad - But some of us are also sick and used to be training to teach - Not every human holds the same body. Generalities abound but we all hold different metabolic rates etc. BEFORE I put on weight I ate 3500-5000cals a day (yes a day) and I lost weight - So in most of weight loss it is WHAT you eat and not how much :)

If you never push yourself physically - You will never know what you CAN do. I run myself to what I have known and learned I can do. consider pushing myself a test, no not killing myself, but a gentle push is a good thing methinks. I think if you learn what akes your body tick well and badly - Then once you know yourself - EXERCISE - It is goooooooood.

''Thyroid hormone should be checked approximately eighteen months after childbirth'' - Not in this country (My dad is Hypothyroid my Mother is Hyperthyroid - And the only way they check - Is if you ask them to or hold symptoms.

I still do step aerobics sometimes - I move up and down - Ain't made my prolapse any worse - Step lightly I tell people - Like you are stepping at midnight with the family asleep - Not only is it better for your knees - It is quieter - lmao

I dunno who you are - But - NOT MEANING TO BE RUDE - Have you actually read what WE are about here?

Thanks for your input :)


I just read in your post that you do step aerobics. Wow, that gives me hope. I have done step aerobics for years. For whatever reason I have been afraid to do step. I am not sure why, my doctor(s)gave me the green light to do any type of exercise that I like. I even asked the question, can I push myself and they said yes.

I really miss step and I think I may take a class this weekend.

- Lilly Anne

Sorry but I can't quite understand this comment, too many vague references. What exactly is it besides the Kaegels, that you disagree with? "Have I actually read what your about" Yes I have. Sorry you feel so offended by the post. By all means do what works for you.

Actually I was sharing what worked for me. That seems to have offended. I have no idea why you think all the minutia on the American diet is even relevent to what I was trying to say! And the stuff on "protein" - not being the building blocks of tissue?? HUH!! Not buying that. Homeopathy no foundation in truth. What's truth only what you say is true with one nameless citation. I'll put my faith in over a hundred years of Homeopathy, before some nameless caustic blogger. My voice sounds vaguely familiar?? This is the first time I have ever been on line in a womens group and this will be my last. God! Sometimes we get the life we deserve. So I think I'll leave you to yours.

I have no idea what this woman is on about to be honest.

You can imagine if someone drops in and starts giving us loads of 'info' that we do not all agree with we will think 'Huh'

Oh well - Maybe it is the way we read what she types? Who knows.

I have no idea about the Homeopathy stuff or who she is directing her comments at? Who is caustic?

Not meaning to be rude (yet again) But you seem to come across as one really angry person.

Oh well - Not alot I can say cos I am no doubt the caustic one - lol

Yes I do step aerobics - But now I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis) I do not do it as intently as I once did lol.

The jumpy movements I do not do now cos of my balance. But having made my own aerobics place in my house (for step where I have a 'grab hold' at both sides of me for balance etc. I still feel it is important for me to attempt to do what I can :-)

I have noticed than on the step down - To take it quietly - step lightly - Rather than stamping a foot to the floor or the step - I step like I used to - Cos when my boys were youmger I used to do step at 5am when they were in bed and I didn't wanna wake them lol - So I 'step lightly' more rolling the foot to up or down than stomping it - lol - Does that make sense? Because I am 'fammilg apart' and I also have hyperflexibility syndrome (double jointed - not as much fun as it sounds) I have to take things easy as my joints are kinda stiff and achy at times - So I have made movements more fluid and smooooooth than any stomping or whatever - This was the prolapse area is never jarred - because you are moving in a held yet relaxed fashion :-)

Hope that kinda explains it lol


Just writing about it - Made me hafta go do some step - lollllll

So - I concentrated and the only way I can explain the foot movement as in step softly is..
On the step up you rollll the foot from heel to toe - There is no audible stamp etc and on the step down you do the opposite - rollllling toe to heel so you are rolling through the middle of the foot - it does not step up or down flat footed - it is a definite roll thru the foot from one end to the other


goes to get changed...

among other things your statment that we are damaged really bothered me. and not accepting the new normal. I know I am different now. and I guess alot of people would think of my body as damaged but.....I just can't. I am on the long road to accepting this condition and some days are harder than others. What makes it really hard is when someone like you- who in my estimation should be understanding and kind (since we have something very important in common) comes across as kinda unfeeling and inconsiderate. I do appreciate advice and have come across quite a bit of it here- but most comes across as suggestions with a large dose of understanding- your post seems to "know it all".
I say this with the confidence that I have not offended you. It sounds like you have lots of support and experiance.
In this forum the trend is to ask and answer questions.

Hey all-along the lines of gentle exercise.....when I run on the elipse I don't wear a sports bra anymore- and I guage how jarring the activity is by how bouncy my boobs are-lol- I try very hard to go with no bouncing at all- and I figure if my outsides are not bouncing then maybe my insides arn't either.:)B

I guess we will all go through phases of feeling 'broken' or damaged. But my gynae - Who is well known in UK and a great and understanding guy (Not like most) Said if he looked at the 'underparticles' of every woman who had given birth - He would see some sort of prolapse.

To be honest I think womankind have evolved into this - We were not always upright and our upright status could well have helped us on our way to this malady...

I was also gonna say 'know it all' - But I edited it out lol (I always try not to upset - lololol - But words can be read and interpreted in many different ways - What one person may percieve as friendly chat another may feel is arrogant etc...

I kinda feel damaged to a point - sometimes 'worn out' But the biggest part of me is STUBBORN and I will not let this thing get me - So I battle on cos I really do not wanna go under any mans knife into new realms of hassle :)

Our bodies are all different to what they once were - We hafta realign our bodies, realign our lives.

i dont wanna be boring (I am lol) But when I found out I had MS (Multiple Sclerosis) My life changed dramatically - I was 6mths preg at the time... In the 3 mths following this I had a HUGE downwards slide in my health... I lost sight, mobility, everything BUT I did not lose hope nor did I lose my sense of humour...

And If people can go from one thing to another as I have from training to teach aerobics to being a flabby idiot who has to walk with a stick and look like an idiot - Then people can cope with anything - We are strong women here - We are the STRONGEST of the human kind...
Men would retire to bed for the rest of their lives - Womankind battle on for 'Normality'

And though prolapse is a Pain in the A$$ - It is not life ending - Nor is MS - It is life altering. I dont call MS MS - I call it MA (Multiple Annoyances) It sets mountains in my way - As does a Prolapse. But I can and I WILL climb and traverse every road and every mountain - And I will get to that haven we call Normality :)

And I will help any woman who needs an ear - Any woman who needs a ((HUG)) (And I am definitely not a huggy person)

Sisters in Womanhood - We are STRONG - Hear us Roar!



Thank you Christine and all you wonderful ladies who post on this forum. I have learned a great deal from all of you and feel terrifically blessed that I have you here. I don't always post but I do read daily. In fact, every morning and night, and sometimes in between, I run in here to check the forum to see what's up (or down!).

I am one of those people who researches things that come my way. I researched the supplements referred to in the earlier post and would like to pass on what I found out. The capsules containing the supplements are made from cellophane and polypropylene. Polypropylene is a plastic polymer that is resistant to moisture and acids. Newer pig troughs are made from polypropylene because they won't destruct. Supplements should be produced in veggie capsules that will dissolve in water within 15 minutes. I simply urge each of you to get your supplements from a reliable source; i.e., health food store, et.al., so you'll know what you are paying for. Many companies have a "call-in" vitamin - meaning they call some manufacturer, tell them what they want, buy the label and sell it as their own product, never even having met the manufacturer. Again, read labels, it is in your own best interest to do so.

To Sue: You keep going child, I have read your posts for over a year now, and watched you grow - you are an excellent example for us all.

Blessings to all,
Grandma Joy

Lilly Anne - have you been back to Step yet (I assume so as your post was months ago)? Let me know how you got on. I absolutely loved Step, having instructed it for years (quite possibly a factor in my prolapse - sometimes teaching 15 classes a week!) Just before I had my prolapse diagnosed at 4 months post partum I attended a couple of classes and had the most fun (ignorance is bliss). I have been too scared to go back since... need some encouragement!

My gym stopped offering "Step" classes so I haven't been able to take any. Back when I wrote about step I had completely lost my confidence in the gym. I was afraid at any moment that the wrong move would cause my bladder to drop down to my knees. For a while I thought it safest to lie on the couch.

Now, I am back at the gym kicking butt. I use weights, take classes, and do ALL kinds of cardio even running. I recently took a Latin Spice dance class. I guess what I am getting at is that YOU can do anything you want to do. Just listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right, SWITCH TO SOMETHING ELSE OR MODIFY. I refuse to let this change me.

Back to step, I'm no expert but I don't think that too much step classes would bring on prolapse. I did step for years too. Not 15 classes per week, probably more like 5-6.

Hope what I've said helps. Feel free to write back with any more questions and concerns.

Congratulations on your baby.

- Lilly Anne

Lilly Anne - How wonderful and encouraging to hear that you are kicking butt at the gym. It makes me sad to believe that high impact exercise caused the lapses (as I loved it so much), but it was around the time of doing loads of classes that I developed incontinence symptoms - I was in my early twenties and taught classes to pay my way through university, hence the excesses. Symptoms went away when I got a proper job (ie one where I get to sit down all day) and as far as I knew I was in proper working order until my baby blew that illusion to smithereens (she is a cutie, though).

My question is (and I know that it's huge can of worms and will not be conclusively answered, but am interested in everyone's anecdotal and personal views) why do you all think that you have prolapsed (as opposed to all those intact women who may have had even bigger babies and even more difficult births). Apologies if you have already addressed this ad nauseum elsewhere. In case anyone's interested, I had a dream pregnancy, no intervention in the delivery which was in the water, normal sized baby and short pushing stage. As you Americans say - go figure!

The reasons cited by my friend the UroGyn (sorry I called her an Obgyn in my previous posts) were:

1. I have hypermobile joints
2. I had stretchmarks as a teenager (I got none in pregnancy though), suggesting low estrogen
3. I did too much exercise
4. She also seemed to think my hair was red (It isn't it's brown with just a touch o'ginge, but her point was that red heads are more susceptible, which I have read elsewhere)

I know I should be focusing on just accepting my prolapses, but I feel part of that process is better understanding why they happened.

PS Sorry for me posting so much of late, I am just so excited to have found this website!

Everything you used to do in a gym (Bar situps which i think can cause problems) You CAN still do... You just think about the way your body moves and adjust it...

I do step now and the thing I changed is HOW my body steps - This all came about in doing step in my living room at midnight - I stepped 'lightly' - Ie - Instead of stamping that foot on and off of the step - ROLL your foot on and off - This takes OUT the impact and slamming down of the body both up and especially down. If you practice this and step lightly - Your prolapse will be fine :-)

I have Hyperflexibility syndrome (Double jointed) And this also helps with the joints as it putsles sstres on them.

I do not believe it is the amount of exercise that you do that causes prolapses - I believe it is the way that you choose to do it. Posture will help in exercise and lack of stamping in weight bearing exercises will help no end.

To be honest I think this person who started this - knows zippo about moving the body and what we are made to do. Our bodies are designed to be worked - It is more than likely the sedentary lifestyle we lead 99% of the time and then all of a sudden we jump up and take ourselves to a step class (should be called stamp class from what i have seen when doing step with others) Then we go sit down again straight after.

Prolapse does not mean you hafta suddenly become disabled - It means you will listen to your body and adjust your lifestyle in a way that allows you to do everything you want to do..

live well with prolapse and do everything you ever wanted to - :-)

Did i write this before? lol


Look into the eyes - They hold the key!

every new mom I have given the self exam paper to has reported prolapse - that they had no idea existed and have no symptoms from (save one who saw the bulge after baby #4). It am starting to think postpartum prolapse is very normal and that it improves and then goes away for a long time. My mom is the only woman I have given the paper to who is not in the child bearing years and guess what......she doesn't have a prolapse. She has had four pregnancies and four children- 1 obstetric delivery with an episiotomy that got botched and went right through the anal sphincter. I am absolutely certain that she had prolapse after having 4 children in 8 years and that over time it resolved and may present itself in another 20 years or so.
I only realized I had a prolapse after my 3rd baby- in hindsight I can tell you that I had a prolapse during my 1st pregnancy.
You all can't know me but I have always been healthy- hard working- never had any constipation and did not slouch.
I have always been athletic - even competing. I studied exercise and sport sciences and never have I lifted improperly or too much. I am young - I had text book pregnancies and have never been overweight.
I eat very well- and organic.
I have never had an traumatic accident, fall, etc,,,,,

I hate to get all philosophical on you all but maybe prolapse is normal. Maybe it is like any other ailment that knows no class lines, doesn't care if you are a good person or not, makes no difference fat or thin- etc.....
We have no problems accepting that wrinkles and sagging are a normal part of aging - why wouldn't the inside sag a little too?
And anyway if it makes no difference- I can still walk, sing, change a diaper, make love, swim......then why worry about what causes it? Live your life. Enjoy each day. If you feel tired rest- take the best care of your body you can.

now- if you are in pain that is another story- but if you are like me and just feel a little pressure and tiredness now and then-well....it is a good excuse to get in bed and read a good book.

I'm no expert, but I don't think that Step caused your prolapse. It was probably a combo of things. That being said, there is no reason that you should feel the need to stop because of your prolapse. Memyself&I described the proper stepping technique. You are supposed to step with your heal first. It should be low to mid impact to get the best exercise benefits.

You wanted to know what caused prolapse in others. Well, I have never had a baby. I have IBS with constipation. Straining with bm can cause it as well.

- Lilly Anne

Hi Alemama

Yeah, I have had these thoughts too. POP is not like measles (ie you either have it or you don't). There are degrees of prolapse, and the perception of how much they affect a woman's life are purely subjective.

One of the things that doctors do is come up with a single long word that represents a set of symptoms, and may also represent the presence of a particular organism that shouldn't be there. It is called a diagnosis, but it does not give any clues to whether or not surgery is indicated to solve it. There are lots of medical conditions that we carry around all our lives. We know we have them, but can often choose to ignore them. The prescribed treatment often doesn't work very well, or can cause further problems, so what's the point of taking the doctor's advice?

I agree with you about the idea of everything sagging a bit as we get older. It is as inevitable as gravity. I call it wear and tear. While I can work around any problems POP causes me, I may as well not even have it. It is only when the problems become unmanageable that I consider that it is a disease. Part of the secret of managing your own prolapse is being able to accept what is happening to your own body.

The only bit I don't entirely agree with is that I think it is important to seek answers about why it happens, so you know how to avoid it getting worse. Also, you can use your own body in ways that minimise problems associated with POP. Also, pressure can be applied to correct damaging practices in the fitness industry, gynaecology, surgery, post-partum physiotherapy, and unhelpful myths can be debunked. Seeking the truth is a part of human progress.

I think a lot of the discussion of 'why' is just women's ways of making sense of life, sharing information with each other and rebuilding collective wisdom that has been lost, particularly due to the medicalisation of pregnancy and birth, which is are natural processes, not diseases. Mostly women can birth just fine without medical intervention. It is only when a medical intervention is called for that it becomes necessary, and indeed becomes useful. If only there was a bit more emphasis on "do no harm" .



Imagine this - When you are doing upright exercise (step)

If you imagine your pelvic floor as a trampoline type thing - When you are stepping up and down your trampoline is rebounding. This is what it would be designed to do...

If you had a prolapse and your trampoline is kinda saggy and stretched then the trampoline is going to feel less 'bouncy' and it will make you feel somewhat weird after and draggy (As the weight bearing onto the trampoline would stretch it moreso as it's resistence is less efficient)

If your trampoline is well strung and fitted together right (Ie posture is stringing it right even though it is somewhat less efficient by prolapse itself) Then it will react to exercise if a much better way than if it is a lax trampoline...

If you stamp and jump up and down with your lax trampoline that is meant to be holding things up - It is going to feel saggy and not have the stability that a well strung trampoline will have...

This is how i look at prolapse and step aerobics etc...

We have prolapses - Therefore our trampolines are lax...
By using posture we have better strung trampolines kinda - Held better if you know what I mean... Therefore the body can take more movement before our trampoline becomes more saggy and feels draggy lol...

If however we have a reasonably well strung trampoline held tight by posture... And we step lightly (Instead of slamming ourselves and the pressure rebounding off of the trampoline and making it more sloppy) we will then be treating our trampoline with more 'respect' and by less impact on the trampoline it will be springier and feel less saggy etc.

Does that make any sense to anyone?

I do step aerobics yet I have no problems with it and my prolapse - I used to have problems even when just walking - Posture and walking in a less stampy manner has allowed me to remain as active as I can and to have no adverse prolapse effects.

Hope that makes some sense anyways - Havent time to read it back through lol


Look into the eyes - They hold the key!