Bleeding/redness and prolapse?


I have prolapse and have been making progress with exercises.

However, I have had a hint of blood on my panties and when wiping, and when I looked, I noticed some leisons/red spots on my vulva at the vaginal opening. has anyone else ever had this? could it be related to prolapse in any way?

Dear Loralie,

I don

Loralie...when I say "divides wheat from chaff" I don't mean individual women as in success or failure. I mean, if this work cannot make a significant difference for women with severe prolapse, and that difference I am defining as pulling the organs back inside, then all we are left with is palliative care or surgery.

I understand what you mean and I thank you for your response.
FYI, I don't have a severe prolapse. Everything is "inside," just beginning to fall. (bladder prolapse). I am one of the lucky ones who found out about you early on ... so i have great hope that the exercises and posture will save me. i will get the other symptoms checked out. i really need to find a good gyn with whom i feel comfortable discussing all of this. it is only on this forum that it feels so totally easy to discuss ...
thanks again,