Nutrients for ligaments


I am now 14 weeks pregnant and I am already having ligament pain and I am wondering what specific nutritents do I need to make sure I am getting to keep these ligaments supple and able to deal with the rigors of another pregnancy. Also, I bought a pregnancy belt that is worn around the bottom of the belly and in the high buttocks, but not really the lumbar area. It is supposed to relieve some of the weight off of the pelvic floor and help with back pain. I'm not planning on wearing it until school starts again in the fall. Wondered what you thought about it.

Hello, Jane,

It's so nice to hear from you, but I so want you to remain comfortable! Where is the pain? I think the pregnancy belt is primarily used to stabilize the sacroiliac joint in between the sacrum and hip bones. It is these joints, along with the symphysis pubis (the disc in between the pubic bones), that become more mobile in late pregnancy leading to discomfort in those areas. I think the belt should help.

Vitamin C and all its associated flavanoids (combinations only found in real food) are what builds and maintains connective tissue. You need all major and trace minerals, all vitamins (particularly the B's and folic acid) as well as essential fats and live enzymes.

A very colorful diet of fruit and nuts in the morning and grains, beans and veges in the evening should give you much of what you need. I would also include sea vegetables like dulse and nori as well as sesame and flax.


Thanks for replying. :) The pain is mainly on the right hand side and low. It would be the part of my belly that touches my lap when I lean forward. It is not a constant pain. I mainly have it when I change positions or go from seating to standing.

I am just coming off of an intenstinal virus and I've not been able to go to the store yet this week, so I'll get an assortment of things from the produce aisle when I go.


I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, "Please feel better soon!"


I've been one of the "lurkers" for awhile, but wanted to share that my naturopath recommended hawthorne extract to strengthen ligaments. You would certainly want to check with your Dr. before taking ANYTHING, since you are pregnant.
I've just taken it for a few weeks so can't tell if it's doing much other than giving me a pucker (it's kinda bitter). I'm trying not to be impatient!

Did I say that?
I decided my message needed a PS.
The Hawthorn extract gives me only a mouth "pucker". Too bad it doesn't cause a "pucker" elsewhere. That would truly be a great discovery.
I had an aunt, bless her heart, who told me (when no bathroom was immediately available)her mother would say,"Just put another knot in your pucker string, honey."
Now, if we just knew where the end of the "pucker string" is...
This is a wonderful site, what I needed as I try to undo what's been done to me. I've had vaginal surgery and just as Christine writes in her book, it set in motion a cascade of unhealthy events within the pelvic floor.
Enjoy the day,

Thank you, Rosie...all health to you.