Introduction and I am so excited!!!


I am Reka, 34, and mother of 2 ( 3 y/o and 4 months old). The 2nd birth was a VBAC and a wonderfully liberating experience, in spite of forceps, shoulder dystochianad a huge tear. When I noticed my prolapse 6 weeks postpartum (then a cystocele) I was devastated. I started to blame myself for going against my doctor's wishes and pressed for a vaginal delivery.

I did PT, electrostimulation and biofeedback. Meanwhile I developed a nice rectocele and the cystocele got bigger. When I finished PT the cystocele immediately started to improve. I am now at the point that the cystocele is almost asymptomatic. The rectocele is nastier but I try to be more relaxed about it.

Today I came across this site. I have been doing the posture for a few hours. It is very difficult because it goes against everything I have been tought so far but it seems to make so much sense. And I just took a shower and my cystocele feels so much smaller!!!! For the first time in a long time I am actually starting to believe that I can get my normal life back. I can't wait for the book to arrive!

Thank you ladies for you wonderfully informative posts and thank you Christine for this site.


congratulations on your birth - that was a courageous thing you did. we have a 4 month old baby too- Welcome to the site. B

Hi Reka,

Welcome and I am so glad that you have already seen to benefits of this place! Well done on the VBAC as well.

I also was so glad to come across this place last year after I found my prolapse and it has been great.

I hope you continue to make good progress. Know that you are in good company!



and yes, you can get your normal life back, and perhaps some unexpected benefits, too. What is that about every cloud having a silver lining? There seems for most of us to be a certain amount of grief we go through over the loss of our bodies as they were. It takes courage to face and walk through that. We are unbelievably fortunate to be living exactly at the same time in history that Christine has founded the work of Whole Woman. Her dedication, research, workout and continued healing is bringing a revolution of healing for those of us who suffer. There is another way! I have been livng with this for a year; ironically, my life is better than it has ever been. Do I still have symptoms? Yes. But I run, carry my kids, and lead as active or more active of a life than I did prior to discovery of the prolapse. There is healing out there. It's everywhere.

Welcome! Marie

I wholeheartedly agree with every single word in your post