Fiber Tolerance?


Hi all,
I am wondering if your body can build up a tolerance to natural fiber in the way it can to chemicals, ie can you either start needing more and more to be regular, or also does your body stop doing things itself?
my rectolece got a bit worse this week and the physio thinks its because i'm mildly constipated and to eat linseeds every day as they seem to work well for me. but wondering if the same thing every day can eventually cause problems?

I think a lot of the problem is fluids and breastfeeding, but i drink a ton so can't drink much more and do generally eat well...)
but just wanted to check re linseeds daily...


I eat an extremely healthy diet with fresh fruits and undercooked & raw vegetables. I drink water as well. The ONLY way I can move my bowels is when I drink Senna Tea - but it makes me uncomfortable and gassy. Fiber pills, nuts, seeds do NOTHING for me. In fact, I have heard from doctors that you should avoid seeds and nuts if you have a condition called diverticulitus - where there are pockets in your intestines where this matter gets trapped. With all the low fat diets many of us are eating, it is IMPORTANT to have at least 2 tsp. of healthy oil per day. But for me, I drink senna tea at night at least 1x per week to "clear out". It is worrisome to me, and I'm wondering if this contributed to my condition of having a uterine prolapse.