full of sh*t


another TMI question and here's how I came upon it
I have read about splinting
I have never done it before
but the thought crossed my mind that it might be helpful to support my rectocele during a BM- so I tried it
and I was shocked to find it wasn't there. Yep- it was gone no rectocele in sight- So I took out my thumb and finished up
and then checked again and there it was right where I left it.
So the question is-
Has anyone else noticed that when you are about to evacuate that you rectocele is straightened out?

Yes I have!

Both my cystocele and rectocele disappear COMPLETELY before and after. No "baggyness". I think it has to do with the pelvic floor muscles doing what they are really supposed to do, assist with evacuation! They contract before and after defecation as a part of moving everything along and out.

so I wonder what would happen if I left the stuff in there for a little longer than is comfortable every day? My feeling is that it probably isn't a good idea.
I thought maybe it just straightened it out because the intestine lifted out of the vagina -

Christine posted on this very thing a while back I think, or perhaps it is in the new book, can't remember?