Can pregnancy and birth improve prolapse symptoms?


This is a question I've been pondering for a while. It seems that a number of women have had the experience that pregnancy and birth after initial prolapse has actually improved symptoms. I also personally know a woman who has had this experience.

I'd love to hear women's experience. I discovered prolapse 1 year ago after birth of 3rd. I became pregnant again at the end of last year, but miscarried. Pondering the question...


After my first birth i felt like a brick was falling outta me.
15mths later after the 2nd birth - I didnt...
Then about 13 yrs later after my third birth I felt fine - A year or two after she was born I found the prolapse.

Which makes me think it can come and go...

I dont think it actually fixes anything tho

all I can say is that pg has been wonderful for my prolapse. I haven't exactly gone looking for it but I don't feel it AT ALL. It feels as though once the uterus lifts out of the pelvic cavity it pulls everything up with it. I'm still trying to use the posture and so I look like I'm carrying extremely low but its keeping the weight of the baby off my bladder. my abdominals are shot, so that makes it more difficult, but right now protecting prolapses is my priority.
I don't know if the changes are permanent or pg dependent, but we'll see.

I felt like a brick was falling out of me too right after the birth of my daughter 21 months ago. No matter what I tried, posture etc. the pressure in my butt never went away. However in the last couple weeks (I am currently 13 weeks pregnant) I don't feel the pressure as much????????? The part that totally confuses me is that I am not eating well at all. I have nausea 24/7 so I eat whatever makes me feel better. So obviously it has something to do with the pregnancy and how it has shifted things in there for the time being. I am sure it is temporary so I intend to enjoy it!!!