
Hi All,

I posted a message on the forum home page about Sue's surgery, but wanted to start a thread for her too.


Lots of love,


going out for sue

I hope the surgery goes well and that recovery is smooth and easy. you're strong in spirit and that will serve you well.
you will be in my thoughts and prayers

Hi Sue,
My thoughts and prayers are with you for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
Best wishes.

hey sue:

i'll be thinking about you today and in the upcoming days for an easy recovery.

please take good care of yourself.

sendng lots of love.



I wish you an uneventful hospital stay and a fast recovery!



Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

- Lilly Anne

Bless you, Sue, now and always.

The first 24 hours or so were horrid. But as the days go on I am feeling better and better (Bar an annoying cough I now have)

Can't wait to be tip top again - nd I have pictures from the Dr of me internally - lol - Looks like planets or a washing machine - nothing gory

I have a lump that is still there - I know this might be swelling - But how am I to know - A lump is a lump!?

I will be seeing the surgeon again - Went to the Hospital this evening at 9pm and they said to see him.

Might be just swelling but best to know now rather than later as am scared stiff!

Will update when I know more - Just hoping I am my usual worrywart self and all is well....

I can cope with that as long as all is ok


Dearest Sue,

Like you have kindly advised so many in the past, take some deep breaths and try to calm your mind a little.

You really don't know that this particular bump is anything worse than post op swelling, and so I know it is very hard, but try not to imagine the worst. Even if there is swelling it does not mean that the hernia isn't repaired properly I am sure. I know these lumps and bumps drive us crazy but try to wait until you know for sure, OK!

Thinking of you!

Love Michelle. xx

just wanted to chime in as michelle did to try and calm your brain a bit if you can. now, don't get me wrong...i, too, am a worry wart extraordinaire -- truly, i am. but there have been numerous times when i have worried worried worried and then things turned out just fine.

you had your surgery quite recently, didn't you? my husband had hernia surgery about a year and a half ago and i remember the surgeon telling my husband not to freak out as it would seem puffier before it seemed better. i'm wondering if you, too, are having a similar post surgical puffy-thing going on (how's that for medical terminology??)

it will be good for you to see the doctor and just get his opinion on it. besides the understandable anxiety, how are you feeling otherwise?

do let us know how you are when you can.

thinking of you and sending lots of love.


Hoping all is well for you!! Hope the 'door' will finally be closed on this area and no more fixes for it!! You have already gone through so much and are so brave. You and so many women here are such good examples to me.

:::::deep breath:::::::
its probably nothing more than postop swelling, hopefully you'll be able to see the surgeon quickly and he can put your mind at ease. I'd be scared stiff too, but I'm also a worrywart.

I hope this is the END of the hernia story for you.

sending healing and peaceful vibes your way

Yesterday I was nearly taken into hospital for another operation! as the surgeon was wondering if the hernia was back too!

I was sent down for an Ultrasound and they are pretty sure it is just swelling or blood that should go away on its own (Or they will drain it if not)

I will worry like a lunatic I guess until this lump is gone and I am told all is Ok. This hernia is a right bane and annoyance...

Just hoping that all is well with it from now on.

Thanks people :)

good god, sue! sending you lots and lots of love and good thoughts with this stubborn hernia-area of yours!

just a thought to throw out here...i'm wondering if something like arnica (the homeopathic pellets) might just aid a little in the healing process. don't know if you've ever used homepathy, but the pellets are very inexpensive and readily available and i've had really good experiences with this. don't know...just a thought. i want you to get this swelling resolved as soon as possible so you don't have to worry!

love love love to you, mama.
