Men have a mysterious condition too...


This is so strange but I thought it might me helpful to know that men also suffer from a genital condition that is likewise controversial (treatment is non-existent or disputed and cause is unknown-debated) and something the Drs. call "their worst nightmare"...
Several years ago my husband began to notice a thickening in his penis...almost like a new vein and his penis began to bend. We had NO idea and he sought treatment only to find there really isn't one. They also don't know why someone gets this. They think it is a plaque build up of some kind--kind of an auto-immune attack, or that there was an injury--my husband road cross country bike for years--no real idea...I remember he went to the U of Minnessota a couple of times to try these injections--they didn't work...At first the condition was painful and of course worrisome since it began to bend unnaturally but over time it seemed to be also happened that he had an enlarged prostate causing urination problems! Over time though the pain abated and the prostate issue which was the most bothersome!! had been managed out of symptoms...his personal condition wasn't terribly difficult. The bending stopped--didn't get worse and the pain stopped and the prostate was managed so we "forgot" about it.
Now many years later I develop prolapse and I am learning new things about the body etc and really never thought about the peyronies disease my husband hadn't been an issue for SOOOOO long and we just were used to the bend--it wasn't enough to be something that bothered our sex life at all...
I started to get a little curious and have been researching the web just as I did about the prolapse and there is a site that is trying to help men with natural supplements...Drs. do do surgery for it to try and remove the plaque but unlike women's problems they are VERY conservative over who will have it because they can do damage...I have noticed that...when it comes to the penis Drs. are much more careful!!!
Anyhow trying to manage my digestive health, I have started to take enzymes and my husband is taking them also and has noticed an improvement in the peyronies disease--the bend has lessened...when I went to the site about naturally helping men with peyronies they recommend enzymes...there is a specific enzyme that we are going to try for him a long with a vitamin E to see if there is even more improvement...generally men get worse with age.

NOW, I want to know is there another couple out there that both have genital problems??!!

It also helped thinking that as scary as my issue was to me, we had both really forgotten the peyronies, we live with it--you really only have to be careful you do not hurt the penis further--in other words you are very gentle since you could injure it...I also wonder that this has been good for us you know? We are equally yoked in a way!! Well matched Ha!! My seeking changes for me, has helped him too...ha. Our diet changes and getting rid of the chemicals in our lives (my husband has QUIT diet coke...wanted one badly and had a piece of fruit instead...walks out the door with his bottled in glass water!! HA!--if you only knew him you would be shocked!) may actually help his problem while helping mine and of course help the kiddos start out chemically free with their products and food.

I would have NEVER made these changes which I now already love, without this site. I have never felt better inside and out physically. Honestly. I feel more confident about how I am feeding my family and cleaning my family and I feel like I am in charge for the first time of my health and my family's...I am noticing emotional things I had ignored...does the prolapse bother me....? Yes. Everyday in the bathroom I am careful and sometimes I worry when I feel that bulge after a long day or the sloshy feeling when I rise quickly after sitting and I think will I start leaking?-- but regardless! I am going to continue to seek better ways to manage it and my life for the first time in my life.

I couldn't have begun to look at my life without prolapse or Whole Woman and the whole women on it!

I appreciate this so much!!

I had never heard of peyronies disease, and how amazing is that - that the changes you've made are helping your dh too!

and I agree, since finding this site my life has improved in so many areas. I thank G-d daily for Christine and all of the women here.