Hi, just found out I'm pregnant, and just found out I have a prolapsed uterus. Help!


I'm a bit nervous because I've previously had 2 miscarriages and I'd really like to carry this baby to term. I'm 5 weeks, feel heavy and feel the prolapse at varying area's throughout the day. Is there anything I can do? Does bedrest for the first trimester help? I've been taking it easy, but it seems healthier to be up more to me. I've read that after the 1st trimester the risks from the prolapse go away? I'm happy to have found this site! But am still having trouble finding information about it during pregnancy. Now that I know what this is, I know that this happened with the two miscarriages because I felt all of this then but just thought it was normal pregnancy sensations. Any suggestions? Thank You!!! Cecile

Pregnancy and prolapse is not something that many many of us have known about thru the pregnancy - Only afterthe fact have we worked out what it was - As nobody bothered to tell us!

In 1988 I had my first son - By forceps. After this i felt like a brick was gonna fall outta me - I now feel this was prolly prolapse.

I went through 2 pregnancies after this and I guess I am one of many who only find out later in life.

I do not think prolapse affects pregnancy bar being uncomfortable in the time that babe gets heavy ish - to the point where the uterus lifts due to babys size.

I have never read of any risks with prolapse and pregnancy to the baby - Only of discomfort to the mother.

I hope this time all goes well for you and sorry I was not of any more help


Hi Cecile,

Congratulations on your joyous pregnancy! I am sorry you are going through this, but I feel sure that you can carry a pregnancy to term without issues despite prolapse.

Granolamom here is pregnant currently with prolapse. Also, another member Nicola developed prolapse during her pregnancy and delivered a beautiful healthy baby boy with no problems earlier this year.

Put their names into the search engine and see what comes up!

I wish you all the best and advise that you rest as much as possible. I think we should all have done that throughout our own pregnancies! :)



congrats on your pg!
as far as I know, prolapse poses no risk to pg.
I agree with you, it is healthier to be up and about rather than in bed (unless of course your dr has recommended bed rest for some other reason), but if you are tired its ok to rest!
have you tried the posture described on this site and in Christine's book? that might help alleviate some of the heaviness. you still have some time before your belly gets big and you'll no longer be able to stand in the posture perfectly.
I have found that as I got bigger and my uterus moved up it pulled everything up along with it (or so it seems). I do have overall swelling, mushiness, don't know what to call it but that's happened with all of my pg's and I think it is more pg related than prolapse.

wishing you a healthy and joyful pg!

Feeling bulky and swollen is a normal part of pregnancy.

I had a uterine prolapse when I was about 11 weeks pregnant, my cervix was actually protruding outside I was very distressed, as said below, by 16 weeks it went up as the baby got bigger. I felt no prolapse at all, until the last month I felt very bulky down below, but was told this was normal.

I was up all through my pregnancy because I have a 2 year old as well.
But take care during your pregnancy, I followed everything I learnt on this site such as not lifting heavy objects, not straining, I did pelvic floor exercises, took care of my posture. Try not to birth on your back. I read lots, so you go into the birth with as much information as you can. I found alot of great information here, by searching back. They only thing I found hard was not very much information about being pregnant and discovering prolapse for the first time, I didn't what to expect after the birth. My doctor had only seen two cases and in both cases the prolapses went after birth.

It now been 12 weeks since the birth, I feel great, I think I still have a small prolapse, but haven't had it diagnosed as am not worried, as it is no way as bad as I had it when I was pregnant. I am taking care of myself still and thanks to this site will forever.

Take care, Nicola

Dear Nicola,

It’s so great to hear from you again, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for responding to Cecile! I hope baby Rex is doing great as it sounds like his mummy is. You were the first woman with pregnancy-induced prolapse to stay in touch with us throughout, which means more than I can express for the betterment of all women.

