colonic and rectocele prolapse


I have been diagnosed with rectocele and I'm wondering if colonic irrigation could help my condition. I always feel like my bowels are full. Has anyone tried colonics or other natural remedies or anything that I can do to avoid the surgery my gyno has advised.

Hi and welcome.
I just joined this site about a week and a half ago.
I don't know if a colonic is helpful or harmful. But I would research this very carefully.
I too have just been told I have rectocele - grade 2. I was in a lot of pain when making love so I went to the doctor and that is what he found.
Since being on this site ( which is a very short time) I have had MAJOR improvements. ( I can make love with no pain and that's amazing cause there was a LOT of pain before)

I was so scared that there was nothing to be done but alas as you will learn on here there is much that can be done. Christine has outlined a lot of the posture techniques under FAQ. This posture has been unbelievably helpful! I bought her book and I have been following the exercises and the posture and I am so much better. Also she has great tips for a healthy way of eating that is really important.
Did you add any extra fiber to your diet?
In the beginning I had to use my fingers and push on the bulge otherwise I too felt like my bowels were full. I have only had to do this a couple of times since learning everything on this site offers. I was having to push on the bulge (splinting, as I learned here) everyday.

Maybe the 'bulge' is full ....have you tried to push on it while going to the bathroom?

The stress of just being told I have a rectocele made my problems a lot worse as far as having a BM.

I am sure your feeling stressful and unsure. Lots to read on here but it should make a difference.
ask away though and don't be ...bashful ;)

I recently have had two colonics and the therapist said it would help the rectocele with the muscles or whatever. The only thing I was wondering about is the prolapse seemed like it popped out further once or twice so I am confused. I did feel much better and it did feel cleaned out, like I was full which she and my gyno said I was. So I am wondering if I should continue cause that is an awful feeling to have it feel like it is popping out of vagina.

Hi 51

I am no expert on colonic irrigation, but it seems to me like an enema with flowing water.

I wouldn't want to be disturbing my bowel on a regular basis, whether or not somebody told me it was good for POPs. Occasionally it might be OK, but a simple Fleet enema might work just as well for a clean out, and a sound diet would probably prevent a recurrence of constipation.

Look for the cause, not the cure, is my motto.


I know some people who swear by this, but not in relation to rectocele. Me, I would not do one. My understanding of the GI tract is that it is a one-way passage really only meant to function in that direction. Things are meant to go down your throat, not come up -- we all know how nasty that can be! Likewise, the bowels are meant to eliminate, not necessarily receive. I see nothing wrong with an occasional enema for an acute situation, but colonic irrigation is quite intense. I personally would worry about disrupting the flora of the bowel, but that's just me. Have you tried working with a nutritionist or natropathic physician to help get at the root of your constipation? Those methods, working in the natural direction of your GI tract might be very beneficial. Best wishes.