Need advice about what I'm eating


I stopped eating meat a couple weeks ago. I haven't noticed any difference but I am pregnant and bulgy because of that so I don't think I will be able to tell until after. I feel great about the way I am eating now (I don't get bloated after supper anymore) but although I've read books about becoming veggie I would like some of you who are experienced to check how I'm eating and let me know if you see any problems or areas where I am lacking nutrients. I still eat some dairy and wheat because I tried eliminating those before I was pregnant and it didn't help. I haven't tried tofu or other soy foods for protein. I am hoping I can get enough without it. Here is a sample day:

oatmeal and blueberries

oatmeal cookie

12 grain bagel with hummus
romain salad with ground flaxseed, cottage cheese, tomatoes, red pepper, raisons, almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ
butter tart
water with lemon

sesame sticks
granny smith apple

stir fry brown rice, spinach, lentils, mushrooms
romain salad with veggies and seeds
potato salad

(For other suppers I have a variety of beans and veggies with salads.)

apple sauce with flaxseed

Thank you so much for any feedback :)

Your food recall looks pretty good to me. I am no expert- haven't even read a vege book- but I don't eat meat or dairy- so here is what I think.
I see that you eat beans and lentils.....but I don't know how much- I think you lack protein. would you eat an egg? what about yogurt? you should probably try spinach and kale for greens in salads instead of romaine. you need more veges too. celery, carrots, beets, broccoli, asparagus, stuff like that- during prego you need more B vitamin and iron.
you can have hummus in your eggs scrambled with spinach- that's pretty yummy.
I love to make smoothies- I put spirulina in them- you can get a lot of veges into a smoothie- frozen strawberries and blueberries mask them pretty good.
beans should be in at least one meal a day.
Ok- that's all I can think of right now-
when you eat this way -every bite counts so be careful of that cookie- it doesn't give you very much protein.

Thank you for your feedback. I am learning more and more each day as I read. I was worried about protein and B12 too. As for the B12 I am only getting it in the glass of milk. I do have eggs but not everyday. I like your idea with mixing in spinach. When I was reading my book on becoming veggie it said that romain lettuce had more iron and protein than kale. I have yogurt probably every other day. I will try to get more veggies in as well as you suggested. How do you make a smoothie with veggies?
I bought a bunch of things yesterday that I read were really nutritious for certain vitemins - pumpkin seeds, soy nuts, tahini, and nutritional yeast for B12. I am also going to get the omega - 3 eggs next time that are fortified in DHA and B12. I get a lot of omega - 3 but I need more DHA as pregnant.
I appreciate your help!

Oh ya I should add that I take all natural prenatal vitemins from the health food store everyday too.

see how much I didn't say???? omega 3 eggs- I eat those. Nutritional yeast is so good on popcorn- we have that as a snack at least 3 times a week- with a little flax ground up and thrown in for good measure. tahini is great!!! I make my own hummus. I think kale has something else (maybe calcium?)
as to the smoothie- I cut up beets or rip up spinach and just toss them in with frozen strawberries.
Have you tried molasses? It is good for B vitamins.

I read that only a certain brand of nutritional yeast has B12 - Red Star . Brewer's Yeast is really good for B vitemins but not B12. I never thought about putting it on popcorn. Good idea. Can you share your hummus recipe? I think I need to start making it because I've been slathering it on my 12 grain bagel and the containers you buy are small. Yes I checked Kale and it is Calcium that it has much more of. So both would be good to have. For your smoothie I meant what do you use? Do you just use a blender? I have tried molasses and I really don't like that taste. In my book it said to try tahini and molasses on whole grain bread but I do not like molasses. It is good for Calcium too. I know the reason I don't eat a lot of veggies is because I don't like the taste when they are raw. I try to put as many as I can in my salads. My friend gave me a recipe for beet burgers and they were really good. That was when I ate beef but you can make them without beef too. Then we put dressing and sprouts on top.

how much flax meal are you eating per day? You might increase it.

I'm a big fan of Nourishing Traditions (Sally Fallon's book) and the Weston Price Foundation research. It's not vegetarian but based on research of diets of traditional societies. Since I've included more healthy fat in my diet I feel better. You also might look at Radiant Life Company regarding healthy fats, esp. olive and coconut oil. Coconut oil is awesome, for cooking or just ingesting raw.

Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts.


Okay since eating like this my stool has been very loose. Am I getting too much fiber? I am worried that I am loosing a lot of nutrients.

I will check out that book Marie. Thanks.


from a traditional chinese medicine meat is seen as vital. see healing with whole foods paul pitchford. Plus in my biomedical pharmaclolgy class last week the naturopath/doctor warned us of new finding's regarding flax seed. Apparantly too much can be too eostrogenic. Perhaps a problem for the pregant woman (though she was warning in cases of breast cancer and in the context of us becoming overexpsed to oestroges's through plastic water bottles)

Anyway, just some thought's - i've posted some more a while back on meat and t.c.m in this forum if you feel like googling.

Best wishes and congrat's on the pregnancy!


I can't find the post you are talking about. I am not sure I agree with meat being vital as my gut feels a lot better without it. I will check out that book. Thank you. I don't have too much flaxseed I don't think. A couple teaspoons a day.