UP and fibroid tumors


I;m not sure what stage my prolapse is but now it seems I have a tumor 'growing' on it. EEK!! I have never noticed this before. From what I have researched on the internet, it is a pedunculated one which means that it grows on a 'stem'. Sounds rather gross, eh? Fibroid tumors thrive on estrogen and tend to shrink in menopausal women. Is there any natural medicine that I can take for this to shrink? Has anyone heard of Vitalyzm to shrink them?
I'm supposed to make an appt. with the OB/GYN for my yearly physical. He's been talking about a hysterectomy for about 9 yrs now. Hubby and I are researching options about the removal of this ugly, nasty tumor since I don't want a hysterectomy.
So far, I've been having lower back pains and abdominal pain. Those are the 'signs' that I should seek medical attention. But, I don't really wanted medical INtervention.
By the way, I read here last night about twisting to your right when having a BM. I tried that position last night and it worked. Thanks so much for this site even though I don't visit a whole lot of the time.


I am so sorry you are going through this and I wish I knew something that would help you . I just wanted to say I am thinking of you and hopefully someone who knows about this will pop in and help.



From my experience, I've learned a few things about fibroids. First of all, if you are asymptomatic or if your symptoms are not very troublesome, it might be best to do nothing. Apparently, fibroids often shrink on their own during/after menopause. If you have bothersome symptoms, there are many treatments OTHER THAN HYSTERECTOMY! for fibroids. A new non-invasive treatment involves using ultrasound and MRI technology. It looks very promising, and is offered in several places in the U.S., but so far, last I checked, major insurers will not cover the cost (about $25,000).

Here are a couple of links that might be helpful:

My best to you,

My mom had a fibroid and the OB went in and removed it. She hasn't had any problems since.